YOGYAKARTA - In interacting, we are usually faced with verbal communication and non-verbal communication. Are you curious, what are verbal communication and non-verbal communication? And what are the differences in verbal communication with non-verbal communication? Come on, let's discuss what are the differences between verbal and non-verbal communication!

Communication is a process of transaction/exchange of information between communicators (messengers) and communication (receivers of messages) to achieve certain goals. For experts, communication can also be defined as a social process where people use symbols to determine and interpret meaning in their environment. The form of communication is sourced to messages that are informed that are generally divided into 2 namely non-verbal communication and verbal communication.

Non-verbal Communication

A form of communication without using words but conveying certain messages. Non-verbal communication is generally informed through symbols shown through gestures or other matters not only words. Non-verbal communication is also a supporter in giving meaning to verbal messages and can be interpreted with various meanings depending on atmosphere and context.

In general, verbal communication that is often found is divided into several types, including:

This non-verbal communication can provide context, clarification, and depth of words when accompanied by verbal communication. Non-verbal communication says whether an enthusiastic person is enthusiastic or not interested, confident or unsure, happy or sad, and whether their message must be understood literally or interpreted differently.

Examples of non-verbal communication such as nodding, giving thumbs up, smiling, intonation, etc. who deliver their messages without using words.

Verbal Communication

A form of communication that uses words in the language either verbally or in writing. The goal is to deliver messages clearly and firmly. In verbal communication, the use of language needs to be observed by looking at the context.

There are also situations that need to be observed when using verbal communication, especially in verbal or written submissions, including:

Thus, verbal messages can be conveyed properly and minimize misunderstandings.

Examples of verbal communication such as direct dialogue, writing letters/messages, presentations, making voice messages, etc. which associate the use of the word and the language in it.

Non-verbal communication:

Verbal Communication

In addition, there is nothing wrong with reading: 5 Level Communications You Need to Have in Marriage as a provision or additional guideline in a household.

So after knowing the differences in verbal and non-verbal communication, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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