YOGYAKARTA - Prayer d bettera is a sunnah 2 rakaat prayer that is done in the morning. This prayer is carried out after the sun rises perfectly until the time of the incident, when the sun is at its highest point or when it is located above the head.

The ulama themselves have different opinions Regarding prayer d bettera. Some scholars liken isyraq prayers and prayer d bettera. However, other scholars distinguish isyraq prayers and sunnah d bettera prayers.

Let's talk about it. Let's talk about it. Let's talk about it. For example, let's talk about it.

Imam Al-Hakim in Al-Mustadak narrayikan dari Ibnu Abbas kalau prayer isyraq merupakan salat awwabin (orang yang tobat), yakni prayer d bettera. Salat sunnah ini disebutkan begitu berdasarkan hadith:

No one performs prayer d better except for people who repent. D bettera is a prayer for people,'(HR Al-Hakim).

For him, the hadith is a shahih based on the provisions used by the Muslim Imam.

Prayer d bettera has many priorities that are of concern to Muslims, one of which will be built a house in heaven by Allah SWT. To make it more stable, there is dhikr and prayer after prayer d bettera as the opening route for the sustenance door.

Quoting from several sources, here are a collection of dhikr readings and prayers after prayer d bettera that can be practiced.

Before knowing the reading of the prayer, dhikr was also advised to read after prayer d bettera. Dhikr and prayers after prayer d bettera will add to the perfection of this sunnah worship.

Astaghfirullaahl adzim.

Meaning: 'O Allah's Holy God.'


Meaning: All praise is only for Allah."

Allahu akbar

Meaning: Allah Dzat yang Maha besar."

Laa lahahaa illallaahu.

Meaning: 'There is no God but Allah'.

Prayer After Prayer D Waya

There is no special prayer taught by the Prophet SAW after completing the d Way prayer. So in the fiqih books, the scholars do not include prayers at all after prayer d bettera.

But there is one prayer after prayer d bettera which is famous for being offered by Muslims around the world. This prayer does not come from the Prophet salalahu 'alaihi wasallam. This prayer was stated by Asy-Syarwani in Syarh Al Minhaj and also mentioned by Ad-Dimyathi in Ianatuth Thalibiin.

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"Allahumma innadhd humanitarian-a d humanitarian-uka, walbahaa-abahaa-uka, wal jamaala jamaakika, wal quwwata quwaatuka, wal qudrota qudrotuka," wal ishmata ishmatuka.

Allahuma inkaana rizqii fissamma-i fa anzilhu, wa inkaana fil ardhi fa-akhrijhu, wa inkaana mu'siron fayassirhu, wainkaana hazardan fa thohhirhu, wa inkaana ba'i and fa qoribhu, bihaqqiduhaaaa-ika wa bahaaika, wa jamaalika wa quwatika wa qudrotika, aatini maa ataita ibaadakash shoolihin.

Meaning: O Allah, in fact, when d bettera is your time, glorification is your splendor, beauty is Your beauty, strength is Your strength, guarding is Your guard, O Allah, if my sustenance is above the sky then send it down, if it is within the earth then get it out, if it is difficult, if it is forbidden to purify it, if it is far from being close to the truth of your d hopea-Mu, your glory, Your beauty and your strength, give me what You give to Your servants who are pious'.

D Waya Prayers That Are Often Enlivened By The Prophet SAW And Please Forgive

Rasulullah often prays dhikr and prays after prayer in the evening which is rarely known below.

Allahummaghfirli wa tub 'alayya innaka antat tawwabur rohumu.

Meaning: "O God, forgive my sins and forgive my repent. You are the Recipient and Most Merciful."

Prayer After Prayer D Waya Please Forgive

Not only asking for sustenance, take advantage of your time to read this prayer. This prayer after praying d bettera is useful for asking Allah SWT for forgiveness.

Allahumma lakal hamdu, ashbahtu 'abdaka 'ala ahadika wa wa'dika kholaqtani walam aku syaia, astaghfiruka lidini fa innahu qod arhaqotni dzunubi wa ahahot bi illa taghfirha faghfirha ya arhamar ulutin.

Meaning: "O Allah, all praise to You. I entered the morning as your servant to fulfill Your promises. You created me while I was nothing. I ask You for forgiveness for my religion, my sins have burdened me and have covered me except You forgive me, so forgive me, the most loving lot among the loving."

You are also advised to read: Pray for Sujud Sahwi who can improve our Prayers' so that our worship will be more perfect.

So after knowing the dhikr after the D bettera prayer, look at other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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