What Is Itinary On Vacation? This Is Understanding, Benefits, Criteria, To How To Make It
Vacation illustration with family (Jessica Rockwitz-Unsplash)

YOGYAKARTA The term itinary is associated with traveling during holidays. This activity has benefits that can be felt directly by the maker. To find out what it is, watch the following article.

In terms of language, the word itinary means travel plans. In general, itinary can be understood as a travel plan that is made and prepared before going on vacation. This travel plan is made in detail from departure dates, lodging, tourist destination destination destinations to visit, to plans to return home.

Itinary existence itself is quite important. Even itineary preparation is very common for travel agents who provide certain tours. Unfortunately, itinerary is still not uncommon for travelers to go without travel agents.

The more detailed itinerary is, the better the impact on you. There are many benefits that can be felt by tourists who make itinerary.

Simply put, itinerary is used for guidelines during holidays. However, its function is not just that. Here are the benefits of itinerary creation.

The existence of a travel plan has an impact on a person's calm. This condition certainly makes the holiday atmosphere even more pleasant. Unlike tourists who do not make itinerary, the potential for difficulties to emerge in the middle of the trip is even greater.

There's nothing wrong with taking the time for a short vacation in the midst of a busy life. Before the holidays, specify how long you will be on vacation so as not to interfere with other schedules.

Calculating the duration of the trip is part of the preparation of the itinary. This calculation affects the budget and time efficiency.

Have you run out while on vacation? This condition can be avoided by making itinary.

Itinary preparation helps avoid confusion in determining tourist destinations later. That way the holiday time becomes more effective.

Itinary preparation can actually be made in various formats. However, it is recommended to create it with a table system. Here's how to make an easy itinary.

Itinary can be made in a table format. Create columns for date, activity, type of transportation, destination, duration, to required costs. This method will make it easier for you or any holiday participant to understand more easily.

Get rid of the temporary table, then start determining the date of departure. This point is quite important so that the travel plan doesn't fall apart. Determine when to go and go home.

In order for careful planning, try to formulate tourist destinations, places to stay, or other destinations to be visited. This step is important to do so that the trip is more effective.


Once the destination and accommodation are determined, you can record the price. This method is needed to determine how much money will be spent during the holidays so that it does not tend to be wasteful.

If all the data has been pocketed, start compiling activity plans in the previously made itinary table.

For those of you who want to take a vacation abroad, it is advisable to know the best time to vacation in Thailand to stay comfortable.

In addition to what it is related, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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