Can MPASI Be Added To Salt? Come On, Check Out The Answer Here
MPASI Illustration (Photo: Pixabay/MapleHorizons)

YOGYAKARTA When the baby is 6 months old, parents are advised to start providing breast milk (MPASI) companion food. This is done so that your little one can get to know various textures and tastes of food.

Unfortunately, the process of providing MPASI does not always run smoothly. Many parents are stressed because babies are reluctant to open their mouths, or even re-issue food that has entered their mouths. Sometimes parents may think this is caused by a bland taste of food, thus adding salt so that the taste becomes more delicious. However, MPASI added salt?

Quoted from AI-Care, Saturday, January 27, 2024, parents should not add salt to the MPASI.

The use of salt with the aim of increasing taste in MPASI is not allowed if the child is not even 1 year old. At this age, the baby's kidney organs still have not developed perfectly to digest and process salt like adults.

Not only that, the baby's mouth ceiling is still not growing perfectly. This means that children under 1 year old tend not to have a preference for various flavors, including salty taste.

If parents want to add salt to the MPASI, they should give it in very small amounts.

When the little one is 1-3 years old, parents can add 800 mg of salt to the MPASI or about a quarter of a teaspoon, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Adding excessive MPASI salt can increase the risk of various health problems, such as obesity, electrolyte imbalance, hypertension, to heart disease at a young age.

In addition, excessive use of salt in breast milk companion foods also increases the risk of kidney disorders in babies. The high salt content in the baby's body can result in an increase in protein disposal through urine. This means that the excess amount of salt added can affect the work of the baby's kidney organs, which incidentally has not developed perfectly.

It has been mentioned above that parents are not allowed to add salt to the MPASI if the little one is less than 12 months old.

Well, to limit salt intake in baby foods, what parents can do is rinse the food ingredients used to make MPASI.

Parents can also check food packaging labels and choose foods with low sodium or sodium content.

Originally, MPASI products sold on the market generally contained a little salt. However, it doesn't hurt to always check the salt content in the packaging.

That's the information about MPASI plus salt. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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