Reasons For Diabetics To Be More At Risk Of Catarics, This Is A Medical Explanation
The reason people with diabetes are more at risk of experiencing cataracts (Freepik)

YOGYAKARTA - diabetes can lead to complications or problems in other parts of the body. One of the health risks that diabetics need to watch out for is cataracts. The reason people with diabetes are more at risk of natural cataracts is related to the influence of high blood sugar on the eyes.

Cataract symptoms are also one form of diabetes complications. Over time, high blood sugar levels can lead to cataracts. The risk of cataract eye problems is twice as likely to be experienced by diabetics than those who do not.

Diader diabetes berusia di atas 65 tahun berisiko lebih tinggi mengalami katarak. Lantas apakah penyebab penderita diabetes mengalami katariak?

Please note that the cataract is a cloudy area in the lens of the eye cornea which causes blurred vision. For people with diabetes or people with high blood sugar, cataracts are also classified as complications of diabetes.

There are several reasons why people with diabetes are at high risk of developing cataracts. The high blood sugar content can cause damage to blood vessels in the eyes and swelling in the fluid between the dinea lens and the eye ball.

Here are the causes of people with high risk of diabetes experiencing cataracts that you need to know:

In the body of diabetics, the production of the insulin hormone is less than needed and is not able to use insulin properly. Insulin plays a role in moving sugar (glucose) from blood into cells, which the body uses as energy.

Without sufficient insulin, glucose cannot enter the cell and will dip in the bloodstream. This condition causes high blood sugar levels (hyperglicemia), to have the potential to damage various blood vessels in the body, including the eye. This can increase the risk of diabetics experiencing cataracts.

Cataract disease in diabetics can also be caused by an aqueous humor factor. Aqueous humor is a fluid that fills the space between the eye ball and the cornea lens. If blood sugar is in aqueous humor in high levels and lasts for a long time, it can make the lens swell, resulting in blurred vision.

Apart from cataracts, diabetes can also cause other eye health problems. Here are some complications of diabetes that attack the eye:

Blood sugar that is high in diabetics can damage the retina, so it will cause retinopathy to be diabetic. Non-proliferative retinotics or early stages will weaken blood vessels, experience swelling, or leakage into the retina.

If the disease gets worse, the sufferer will experience proliferative retinopathy. New blood vessels will grow and reproduce on the surface of the retina, causing severe vision problems.

diabetes can also cause swelling in macula. This health problem is called the macula diabetic eedema. This condition generally occurs in people who have experienced symptoms of diabetic retinopathy. Getting worse diabetes can reduce the sharpness of vision to loss of sight.

Other eye disease that can occur due to diabetes is glaukuma. Glaukuma is a group of eye disease that can damage the optical nerve or a set of nerves that connects the eye with the brain. If diabetes results in glaukuma, the sufferer can lose sight and become blind.

Such is the review of the reasons why diabetics are more at risk of experiencing cataracts. The high blood sugar can affect and damage blood vessels in the eyes to cause various visual problems. Also read the initial symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

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