JAKARTA - Active acting at the age of 55 makes Mark Ruffalo worry about several things, one of which is when there is a scene. In his latest film, Poor Things, Ruffalo plays Duncan Wedderbum.

"I don't know if I can do it. I've never done anything like (Poor Things)," Mark Ruffalo told Perfect Magazine.

'Like a sex scene. Aren't I too old to do a scene like that? Does anyone want to see?' asked Ruffalo.

On the other hand, Mark Ruffalo feels that sex scenes are a psychological picture of a character and a story.

I feel we are in a wise time for a film. Sexuality is very connected to the psychology of a character and it must be explored in a similar meaning," he said.

The film Poor Things directed by Yoorgos Lanthimos tells the story of an adult woman born with a child's brain, so she grows up quickly and unnaturally. Emma Stone's Bella Baxter tries to explore the life of an adult woman.

Ruffalo plays Duncan Wedderbum, a lawyer who invites Bella Baxter to run away even though Baxter already has a lover.

This film is adapted from a novel released in 1992 by Alasdair Gray. This film led Emma Stone to the best actress award at the 2024 Critics Choice Award and the 2024 Golden Globe Award.

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