Physical Activity, Turns Out To Help Sharpen The Mind
Illustration of physical activity sharpening the mind (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA There is nothing useful about laziness in exercising or other physical activities. Because according to some evidence, physical activity is related to nerves, psychology, physical condition, and sharp thinking. Nigel Barber, Ph.D., evolutionary psychologist and author of Why Parents Matter and The Science of Romance, explains that a healthy brain is associated with an active body.

Citing a research report published in the Population and Development Review, in ancient Romanism, highly educated people will live longer than people with low education. This shows that an active brain contributes to the health of the body. It also illustrates that people with more active thoughts have better blood circulation in their brains and less potential dementia.

A neuroscientist from Canada found that sports increase the proliferation of stem cells in the identity gyrus on the hippocampus. So that people who are diligent in walking benefit from having more cells. This benefit is obtained only by walking half an hour every day.

Hypocampus plays an important role in shaping new memories and being involved in solving spatial problems. No wonder physical activities are often used by artists and scientists to increase their creativity in solving problems, such as William Wordsworth and Charles Darwin.

Physical activity, apart from having an anatomical and brain physiological impact, also has an indirect effect with increased mood. As reviewed by Psychology Today, Monday, January 15, exercise reduces anxiety and depression. This effect is not well understood, but the possibility of emitting changes in neurotransmitters systems, such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and endorphins. This is generally also stimulating cognitive activity and creativity. According to Barber's explanation, very creative people sometimes experience a bead phase where they become very productive. So, a high mood encourages increased mental activity and creative productivity.

There are many different ways to look at the relationship between physical movement and mental activity. One of the most common benefits is that exercise stimulates the increase in oxygen absorption and increases blood circulation. When breathing increases through physical activity, it also transports more oxygen in the blood. Some of this oxygen ends in the brain and expels glucose which is the main fuel of the brain.

In short, the connection between a healthy body and a healthy mind is an extension of a healthy brain as well. For people who are approaching dusk or adults are older, continuing to do sports routines are beneficial for more sharp thinking and even an increase in longevity.

Stay physically active to benefit from the sharpness of the mind can be done in many ways. Such as physical exercise, being involved in certain social groups, mental stimulation, doing creative activities, and aspects of work. At least, keeping the brain active can delay the emergence of dementia.

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