Rob Clinton Makes Game One Of The Ways To Quality Time With Chelsea Islan
Rob Clinton and Chelsea Islan (Instagram @robclintonkardinal)

JAKARTA - The husband of Chelsea Islan actress Rob Clinton said that he has an interest in games, especially e-sports. He himself has liked games since he was 15 years old.

"If my game is really big in the world of E-sports and I have always liked games, I have a dream that the world game industry can be filled with Indonesian children and games from Indonesia," said Rob Clinton in the BSD area, Tangerang, Friday, January 12.

"(Play game) Since childhood, if you are serious, you are 15 years old, yes," he continued.

Not wanting to be cool alone, finally made Rob invite his wife, Chelsea Islan to play games with him. He even said that Chelsea also had an interest in online games.

"Yes, he invited him to play games, but actually Chelsea also likes to play games, only people don't know," said Rob Clinton.

Even though they both have busy life, Rob and Chelsea always take the time to play games together an hour before bed. This is felt to be a way of their quality time.

"Now, because we are busy, we play for at least one day an hour, before going to bed. Yes, so quality time too," he concluded.

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