YOGYAKARTA The role of the sense of hearing for children's growth and development is quite large. To ensure that there is no hearing loss in children from an early age, try to do BERA. Then what is a BERA test?

Quoted from AI Care, the Brain Evoked Response Auditory (BERA) test is an examination carried out to help ensure whether or not there is hearing loss or detecting certain neurological conditions that have an impact on children's hearing. The purpose of holding the BERA test is to detect hearing loss early on.

Quoted from the website of RSUD dr. Iskak Tulungagung, an THT-KL Specialist doctor, dr. Siti Umi Hanik, Sp. THT-KL. explained that the BERA test was carried out on babies aged three months to adulthood. This examination is in the form of recording the potential of electricity released by koklean cells while walking from the ears to certain cores in the brain trunk.

Parents must also know the risk of hearing loss in their children because this disorder can affect the smooth speech, language, cognitive language, and so on. Therefore, many parents choose to do the BERA test on their children.

The purpose of the BERA test is not only to detect hearing loss but as follows.

Before carrying out this test, parents and a team of doctors must work together to calm the child. Tests must be carried out in a calm child's condition so as not to interfere with activities. Children are also allowed to sleep. In addition, children are prohibited from wearing powder because it makes the electrodes not stick to the scalp.

During the examination, the doctor will install electrodes in the area of the skin of the head and ear. After being attached, the doctor gave a stimulus in the form of a sound or similar sound Klik that was sent with the earphone to the ear.

This stimulus will be responded to by the brain, and brain wave recording activity will be recorded by previously attached electrodes. After the results are obtained, doctors conduct analysis and evaluation to find out whether or not there is hearing loss or health problems that have an impact on hearing function.

The BERA test is indeed widely carried out because it has a number of advantages, namely as follows.

Parents who want to do a BERA test can take advantage of BPJS Kesehatan. For general patients, the BERA test is charged approximately Rp. 1,500,000, depending on the service and hospital.

In addition to what the BERA test is related, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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