JAKARTA - The wife of presenter Indra Bekti, Aldila Jelita, did not want to comment much on her feud with her mother, Marjam Abdurrahman. This feud began with Aldila Jelita's reconciliation with Indra Bekti some time ago which was strongly opposed by her mother.

Aldila said that he did not expect anything other than everything to continue to run well in accordance with God's will.

"Just pray, we don't want any comments. Anyway, I want everything to go well, God willing, in accordance with God's path," said Aldila Jelita in the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta, recently.

Furthermore, Aldila said that until now he and his mother had not established communication at all. He only exchanged news with his brothers.

"There is no (communication). Nothing, I just communicate with my younger siblings, with my sister," he said.

Although his relationship with his mother is not hot, Aldila admits that she as a child certainly feels missed by her mother. In fact, he wanted to meet when the atmosphere was better.

"As a child, I certainly miss him, I definitely want to meet him, but for now, it's not the time for me," said Aldila Jelita.

"So that I can because I have to want to meet, I already understand each other. If this is the best for this. Whatever the consequences, that's my choice. That's all," he concluded.

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