No Need To Panic, Here's How To Take Care Of The Missing Or Damaged Diplomas
Illustration of Diplomas (ANTARA)

YOGYAKARTA How to manage a diploma that is lost or damaged cannot be done online. You need to go to related agencies to get a Certificate in Lieu of Ijazah (SKPI).

As is known, diploma is one of the documents needed when someone proposes to a job.

In addition, diplomas are also used as a requirement to continue education to a higher level.

Therefore, it is natural for a person to feel panicked if his diploma is lost or damaged. This is because the lost diploma cannot be replaced with a new one. If the document is lost, the campus will only issue a Certificate in Lieu of the Diplomas and academic transcripts.

So, how to manage a diploma that is lost or damaged? Check out the full information below.

Summarized from various sources, Tuesday, January 9, 2024, this is how to take care of diplomas that are lost or damaged:

1. Make a missing certificate at the police station

Cara mengurus diploma hilang atau rusak yang pertama adalah membuat surat keterangan hilang di kantor polisi. Terkait hal ini, Anda bisa pergi ke ke ke kepolisian sektor (Polsek) setempat.

To make a certificate of loss of diploma at the police station, you need some documents, such as:

2. Visit educational institutions that issue diplomas

After getting a certificate of loss of certificate, the next step is to go to the educational institution that issued your diploma.

There are several things you have to bring when taking care of a missing diploma to an educational institution, namely:

If all the supporting documents are complete, go to the administration or other parts that take care of the diploma. Provide detailed information about the missing diploma, such as full name, identity number, and year of diploma issuance.

Next, you can ask for help to make SKPI. This document must be equipped by a high-regulation letterhead to make it legal.

SKPI will be signed by the chancellor on a materai of 10,000 along with a wet stamp. When the 3x4 photo is pasted in the document with a three-finger left stamp at the top of the photo such as the original diploma.

3. Verify with the education office to the place

The last way to take care of a lost or damaged diploma is to verify with the education office according to the location of the city/district of the educational institution.

There are several conditions that you must bring when verifying with the education office, such as:

You need to know, at the bottom of the SKPI, there are columns that must be signed by officials from the district/city education office.

The process of taking care of this lost or damaged diploma can be completed within one day.

If the educational institution that manages your diploma no longer exists, prepare a stamp of 10,000 as many as 2 sheets and a photo of 3x4 (2 sheets) for this stage. The education office will make a SKPI with a letter from the education office.

That's information on how to take care of diplomas that are lost or damaged. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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