YOGYAKARTA When should you go to a nutritionist? What are the signs of someone needing a consultation with a nutritionist? What are the benefits of consulting a nutritionist? Come on, see the explanation in the following article.

For information, nutrition consultation is one of the services provided by nutrition specialist detectors. This service is given to patients who want to improve nutritional intake and get the right diet, according to their health condition.

Summarized from various sources, Sunday, December 7, 2024, a person is advised to consult a nutrition specialist if he has health problems related to nutrition or if he wants to improve his diet and lifestyle.

Consultation with nutrition specialists usually begins with questions and answers about the patient's condition, including a history of health, medicines being consumed, lifestyle, and daily diet.

In addition, nutrition specialists will also ask about factors that can affect patient nutritional intake, such as daily activities, education levels, economic levels, and work.

Next, the doctor will check the patient's physical condition, including measuring height and weight, body fat percentage, and visceral fat.

Not enough to stop there, doctors will also conduct supporting checks, such as blood sugar tests, cholesterol, and blood fat.

After that, nutrition specialists will check the cognitive function and mental condition of the patient. This examination aims to find out how the patient thinks and feels about the image of himself, the diet that has been undertaken so far, and the planning of the diet that will be carried out.

It has been mentioned above that a person is advised to consult a nutrition specialist if he has health problems related to nutrition or if he wants to improve his diet and lifestyle.

In addition, there are several conditions when someone needs a consultation with a nutritionist, including:

Here are some of the benefits of consulting a nutrition specialist that patients will get:

That's information about when to go to a nutritionist. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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