YOGYAKARTA 'Sepsis' is a term related to health problems in the form of a body response to infection. This condition is quite dangerous if it is not handled properly. A person who has a perception will show certain signs. To get to know more about what sepsis is, see the following article.

Quoted from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, sepsi is a form of the body's extreme response to an infection and is quite dangerous so it must immediately receive medical treatment.

Basically, the human immune system will respond to all forms of threatening infection. But in some cases the immune system that fights infection occurs excessively and even tends to get out of control.

Sepsis will trigger chain reactions throughout the human body including in important human organs. If sepsis is not handled properly and correctly it will trigger tissue damage, organ failure is important, even death.

Sepsis is not contagious, but infections that trigger this condition can infect other people to the point that they also experience sepsis.

Sepsis cases themselves often occur in Indonesia, one of which happened to a high school student named Ananda Rahel Pratama who came from Jember.

Sepsis can occur due to bacterial infections, fungi, parasitics, and viruses such as the COVID-19 virus or influenza. Usually people who experience sepsis have certain health conditions that worsen symptoms such as having chronic lung disease or a person's immune system.

The sepsis most often occurs is caused by infections in the lungs, urinary tract, blood flow, skin, to the digestive tract.

Sepsis can be experienced by everyone, but there are several criteria for people who can experience greater sepsis, namely as follows.

Sepsis doesn't just happen. Someone who has sepsis will experience certain signs and symptoms, namely as follows.

As explained earlier, septics is a dangerous condition that must be handled by the medical team immediately. You can immediately bring people who experience septic symptoms as mentioned above.

Don't try to deal with septics independently with hot-reducing drugs because these conditions don't make people with sepsis don't get better.

It is also intended to avoid poor food for the immune system to avoid sepsis.

That's information related to what sepsis is. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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