Getting To Know Syndrome And How To Overcome Mental Conditions Always Feels Guilty
What's good Syndrome (Warner Bros.)

YOGYAKARTA - Badminton Syndrome has been a popular term on TikTok for the past few years. Why Syndrome is used to describe the behavior inspired by the character 'Dobby' in the Harry Potter film. But still a lot of people don't know what Syndrome is and its characteristics.

"Dobby" may not be a foreign word to the ears of fans of the Harry Potter film. Your voice is the name of a lecherous or peri character who has a habit of hurting or punishing himself when he feels guilty.

The name 'Dobby' is then used as a psychological term to refer to the behavior similar to that of the peri character. As a psychological condition that needs to be considered, you need to know whatip Syndrome is and how to overcome it.

Syndrome is a psychological condition that makes a person hurt himself because he feels guilty. This behavior can be triggered by excessive feelings of guilt. In the Harry Potter film, periodia will always punish her when she fails to comply with orders from her employer.

Inspired by the character ofTEN in Harry Potter, pendual syndrome has a habit of self-harm as a form of punishment. Your condition often appears when a person is unable to meet the expectations given by others to him.

Someone who experiences Syndrome can also be caused by past trauma that may have happened as a child. For example, when he was scolded by his parents using words like 'you don't deserve this' or 'you really can't be relied on'.

These negative sentences can be attached to the child's memory. As a result, the child who has the trauma will grow up as a person who likes to blame himself or easily feels guilty. These people usually feel that they don't deserve to accept something fun. This condition can then trigger the desire to punish or injure themselves.

Syndrome is a condition that can have a bad impact on people who experience it. In addition,appropriate Syndrome behavior will also interfere with daily life either in terms of work or in relationships with other people.

Pedestrian Syndrome needs to overcome this condition so as not to harm themselves. Here are some ways to deal with Syndrome that you can apply:

One way to overcomeip Syndrome is to increase self-confidence. As mentioned earlier, the emergence ofiplin Syndrome can be caused because someone feels he doesn't deserve something. This trait can be formed due to childhood trauma that causes low self-esteem.

When a person has low self-confidence, then he tends to see himself negatively. This condition makes them feel guilty easily or easily blames themselves for something that doesn't go according to expectations. This then triggersappropriation Syndrome behavior.

To get rid of Your Syndrome behavior, you need to increase your confidence. Build a mindset to look at yourself more positively. Increase self-esteem and avoid blaming yourself excessively when a mistake occurs.

Another tip you need to do to overcome Syndrome is to stop taking on too much responsibility. The inability to complete tasks can lead to feelings of guilt that lead totimate Syndrome behavior.

So start limiting yourself to every job or responsibility that will be carried out. If you feel that the responsibilities given are too much and beyond your ability, then don't be afraid to refuse it. Get used to being firm with yourself and things from outside of yourself.

That's a review of what Syndrome is and how to deal with it so as not to harm yourself. For those of you who experience repeated stayup Syndrome, you should consult a psychologist to be able to overcome it. Also read life experiences that cause low self-esteem.

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