YOGYAKARTA - Employee onboarding is a familiar term in the world of work or career. However, there are still not a few fresh graduates or new graduates who do not know employee onboarding. Onboarding is an important process that must be undertaken by new employees when they start working.

A new employee needs to undergo an onboarding period to get to know the environment and culture in the company. This is often referred to as a cultural adaptation process for new employees to participate in culture and work mechanisms in companies.

Even though employees already have good experience or skills, they still need to make introductions because each company has a different work ethic and culture. For you fresh graduate or applying for work, you should get to know employee onboarding and its benefits.

Onboarding is interpreted as an introduction and adaptation process for new employees. Onboarding is also defined as a cultural naturalization process for new employees in absorbing culture in new companies.

In the onboarding process, employees must go through a series of activities aimed at studying culture and work mechanisms in new companies. Onboarding activities are not only an introduction to company regulations, but also include SOPs or administration, co-workers, and jobdesk or work assignments that will be carried out.

In the employee onboarding process, Human Resource Management (HR) plays a role in introducing new employees to existing companies and employees. In addition, HR is also tasked with guiding and integrating new employees into the company.

The onboarding process is carried out by employees before they actually start working. With the provisions that are traversed during onboarding, employees are ready to work according to the vision-mission, culture, and roles that need to be done in their new company.

The length of the employee onboarding process can vary in each company. There are companies that apply the onboarding process for only one to a few days. However, there are also companies that provide the onboarding process for several weeks involving a series of activities.

The onboarding process will generally not be completed in just 1-2 days. Employee onboarding usually consists of a series of stages that need to be carried out continuously. The stages in the employee onboarding process include office recognition, team recognition, task understanding and responsibility, as well as information related to regulations and procedures at the company.

Onboarding employees does not only provide opportunities for new employees to study the environment and work responsibilities that will be carried out. The onboarding process also benefits employees so that they feel accepted, comfortable, and ready to contribute effectively to their companies.

The onboarding process is not only beneficial for new employees, but also plays an important role for the company. Here are some of the benefits of onboarding employees that you need to know:

The ongoing onboarding process will effectively accelerate the integration of new employees into the company's work team. This condition will make new employees feel accepted and comfortable working in new environments.

By following the onboarding process, employees will adapt faster and build good relations with their team-mates. In this way, the collaboration within the team will run smoothly even though there are new members and can create efficient cooperation.

Another benefit of onboarding is to increase employee retention. The onboarding process makes new employees feel supported and given a clear understanding of their duties and responsibilities in the company.

The onboarding process will make employees tend to be more satisfied and tied to the company. This also has a good impact on reducing turnover rates and costs related to the recruitment and training of new employees.

The effective onboarding process is also useful for building an embloyer branding in a workplace company. When new employees feel well-supported and accepted on the first day of work, they will not hesitate to share positive experiences with others about their new company.

With the satisfaction of new employees during the onboarding process, this can increase the company's appeal for prospective employees. In addition, the testimony or satisfaction of these employees also strengthens the company's image as a friendly, inclusive place, and provides career development opportunities.

The employee onboarding process also provides other benefits for improving customer experience. When new employees can be well integrated into the team and understand clearly about their role, then they can provide more optimal service to customers.

Demikianlah pengusan mengenal onboarding karyawan dan rangkaian kegiatan yang dijalani. Proses onboarding tidak hanya bermanfaat bagi karyawan baru, namun juga berguna untuk perusahaan dalam membangun dan mendorong kinerja pegawainya. Baca juga aturan karyawan jika ingin resign dari perusahaan.

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