Ciri-Ciri Stomach Kembung Karena Asam Lambung, Dibeda Dengan Masuk Angin
Features of bloating stomach due to stomach acid (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - Many people still have difficulty distinguishing the characteristics of the bloating stomach due to the wind and stomach acid. To be able to overcome this condition, you need to distinguish the symptoms of the bloating stomach from the two health problems. So what are the characteristics of the bloating stomach due to stomach acid?

Stomach bloating is a health problem that is often experienced by many people. This condition causes a feeling of rebuttal in the stomach and disturbs the comfort of the sufferer. If the symptoms are due to stomach acid, it can endanger health if it continues to be left alone. That is why it is important to recognize the characteristics of the bloating stomach due to stomach acid.

Stomach bloating can be a dangerous condition, especially if the symptoms are due to stomach acid. Don't take it lightly if you experience this health problem and are accompanied by symptoms of stomach acid.

Stomach condition bloating due to stomach acid and winding is easier to distinguish by seeing other symptoms that follow. When experiencing a bloating stomach, try to feel what symptoms also appear.

Here are the characteristics of the bloating stomach due to stomach acid that you need to know:

One of the most common symptoms that arises from stomach acid is a heartburn or a hot sensation in the chest. When stomach acid rises, usually the sufferer will experience a hot feeling in the middle chest. This burning taste can spread to the stomach and neck and back.

Heartburn is usually experienced after eating, lying down, and when bowing. The rise of stomach acid makes the tissue that is along the concavity or esophagus can experience irritation due to exposure to acid fluid. In addition to the heat in the chest, people with stomach acid also often feel a sensation like being stabbed in a needle.

Stomach bloating also needs to be watched out for when accompanied by symptoms of the tongue feeling acidic. This condition can be a symptom that you have stomach acid problems. When stomach acid rises to the concavity, acid can spread in the mouth.

Stomach acid that rises to the concavity causes acid in the mouth or the tongue. Usually the acid taste in the mouth due to stomach acid rises also accompanied by a sensation such as heat or burning in the throat. This condition also often makes it difficult for sufferers to swallow food.

Stomach bloating due to stomach acid can also be detected when accompanied by symptoms of pain in the hip. This pain not only attacks the hip area, but can also be felt up to the back.

Stomach bloating accompanied by nausea can also be a symptom of stomach acid disease. People with stomach acid will usually feel nauseous and want to vomit. This condition occurs because of stimulation to the lower part of the brain related to pain.

High levels of stomach acid will cause pain in the stomach area, triggering nausea or vomiting. Even rising stomach acid can make sufferers vomit clear or yellow which feels very bitter.

The nausea experienced by people with stomach acid is caused by severe pain in the stomach and ulu liver. In addition to wanting to vomit, people with stomach acid also often experience stomach cramps.

Another characteristic of bloating stomach due to stomach acid is if the symptoms are accompanied by shortness of breath. When experiencing this disease, stomach acid will rise to the concavity and can enter the lungs. This condition will cause irritation to swelling in the respiratory tract.

Those are the characteristics of the bloating stomach due to stomach acid that you need to know. Stomach condition bloating because stomach acid is different from the wind, so you need to be aware of it. Also read the sleeping position article for stomach acid sufferers.

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