Maintaining The Ideal Weight Of Children, Here Are 4 Tips That Can Be Done
Child weight must be maintained so as not to be obese. (Photo: Pixabay)

YOGYAKARTA Not a few parents complain about the difficulty of maintaining the child's ideal weight, especially when children have difficulty eating, just recovering from illness or having an unhealthy diet.

For information, ideal child weight can be known through the body mass index (IMT). This is a way developed by experts to find out the ideal weight range and according to height.

To calculate the child's IMT, you need to measure the child's height and weight. Next, you can find out whether the child's IMT is in the ideal range or not.

For example, if a child weighs 30 kg with a height of 1.3 m (130 cm), the calculation of the IMT is as follows:

If the body mass index is known, you can determine whether the child's weight is ideal, lacking, or excess based on the IMT classification for children according to age and gender.

Once you get the child's IMT number, you can determine whether the child's weight is ideal, lacking, or excess based on the IMT classification for children according to age and gender.

Summarized from various sources, here are some ways parents can do to keep their children's weight ideal:

1. Provide healthy and balanced foods

Parents need to pay attention to their child's diet so that their weight becomes ideal. In addition, parents also need to provide healthy and nutritious food children so that their nutritional needs are met. Small children also need to be targeted to consume fruit and vegetables regularly every day.

Avoid giving children excessive sweet foods, because this can increase the risk of obesity. In addition, sweet foods can also trigger healthy problems in the child's mouth and teeth.

Give children food in sufficient portions. If you are full, don't force your child to eat other foods.

2. Invite children to exercise

The next way to maintain the ideal child's weight is to invite the baby to move and exercise at least 60 minutes every day.

Parents can teach their children to do light exercise such as playing bicycles or taking a leisurely walk around the complex.

3. Give enough rest time

In addition to providing balanced nutritious food and exercise, children also need to have enough rest time to keep their weight ideal.

Children who have enough rest time will find it easier to have an ideal weight. Because, during sleep, the growth hormone will be released.

If the child does not get enough sleep, the release of the growth hormone will be disrupted, causing problems in the growth and development of the child.

4. Never leave breakfast

Before doing activities, teach children to always have breakfast. Children who regularly have breakfast tend to have a more stable weight than children who do not regularly have breakfast.

Breakfast or breakfast helps maintain digestive health and provides children with energy for one day of activities.

That's information about maintaining the ideal child's weight. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.

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