Angga Puradiredja Officially Proposes Dewi Andarini, Warganet: Cool Can Invite Maliq & D'Essentials
Maliq & D'Essentials personnel with Angga Puradiredja and Dewi Andarini (Instagram @maliqmusic)

Happy news came from the vocalist of the band Maliq & D'Essentials, Angga Puradiredja, who recently proposed to his girlfriend, Dewi Andarini alias Ririn, on Monday, December 18.

This news was announced directly by several of his friends such as a pediatrician as well as a playner, Mesty Ariotedjo. In his upload, Mesty is seen taking pictures in the midst of Angga and Ririn.

"Legaaaaaaaaaa. @dewiandarini @gapuradiredja. Hopefully it will be launched, happy forever together," wrote Messy in his upload.

In addition, from one of the Maliq & D'Essentials personnel, Ilham Ibrahim also gave a video moment when Ririn received an application from Angga.

"I, Dewi Andarini, received a proposal from Mas Angga Puradiredja," said Ririn.

The official Maliq & D'Essentials Instagram account also uploaded the couple's happiness. The funny thing is that this Instagram account actually highlighted the comments of netizens in the comments column uploaded by Angga's application program.

Some netizens can be seen saying jokes that Angga's proposal is really cool because it can invite Maliq & D'Essentials band personnel as guests at their application event.

"It's really cool, Mr. Angga's application to invite Maliq," said the account

"Wow, it's really cool, bro, is it really cool that Angga just engagement has invited Maliq?????" replied the account @hotstarchyen.

"Congrats Mas Angga, hopefully it will run smoothly until HAHA day, it's really cool to invite Maliq D'esentials," said the account @amelianm_

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