Increases, Three More STIP Students Become Suspects Of Persecution Of Junior
Chairman of the School of Shipping Sciences (STIP) Marunda Ahmad Wahid together with North Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Gidion Arif Setyawan at the STIP Marunda Campus, North Jakarta, Friday (3/5/2024). (Doc. ANTARA)

The number of suspects in the persecution to death against their junior with the initials P (19) at the Jakarta Shipping Sciences College (STIP) is now increasing. The North Jakarta Metro Resort Police (Polres) has named three more students as suspects.

The three of them, namely students with the initials FA alias A, KAK alias K and WJP alias W. With the determination of three new suspects, until now the suspect of abuse has led to the death of four victims in the STIP environment.

North Jakarta Metro Police Chief Commissioner Gidion Arif Setyawan told reporters in North Jakarta, Wednesday (8/5), confirming the involvement of other suspects in the process of assaulting P, after holding a case and also following the views of linguists.

"So the three suspects have the role of 'consistent', 'consistent and do'. In this context, people who do, order to do or participate in this act," said Gidion, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, May 9.

Therefore, according to Gidion, KAK, FA and WJP, they can also be charged as suspects in connection with Article 55 and/or 56 of the Criminal Code (KUHP) regarding participation in criminal acts.

Like the suspect previously with the initials TRS, investigators imposed Article 338 concerning the murder of Jo 351 paragraph 3 concerning persecution that resulted in death, in the legal construction of three new suspects.

The role of each of the suspects was FA alias A, a level II student who called P along with his other junior colleagues to go down from the 3rd floor to the 2nd floor.

The summons was caused by the view of the seniors that the identified party violated school rules, for wearing sports official clothes (PDO) when entering the classroom.

"Woi, level one who wears PDO (wearing the sports office) here!," said FA. P and his colleagues also followed his senior call to go down to the 2nd floor.

Lalu FA juga ikut mengawasi ketika terjadi kekerasan eksesif terhadap P di depan pintu toilet dan itu dibuktikan lewat rekaman kamera pengawas (CCTV) di tempat kejadian serta keterangan para saksi. "Sehingga FA pun ditetapkan sebagai tersangka berdasarkan konstruksi pasal 55 jo 56 KUHP," katanya.Kemudian WJP alias W pada saat proses terjadinya kekerasan kerasan eksif mengatakan sebuah yang diduga mengungkap terhadap kalangan siswa STIP, yakni CBDM.

"Don't be shy, CBDM. Give understanding!" exclaimed WJP.

The language that comes out of him makes investigators have to ask for the views of linguists. According to linguists, there are indeed "prokem" languages among cadets which then have their own meaning.

Not only once, when P was beaten by the TRS suspect, WJP also said, "It's good or not precessive, meaning that P is still strong standing, something like that," he said.

From the results of the examination of linguists, investigators named WJP as a suspect based on the construction of Article 55 in conjunction with 56 of the Criminal Code. Then the third additional suspect is KAK alias K. The role of KAK is to appoint victims before excessive violence was carried out by TRS.K said "My only younger brother, a trusted majoret". According to linguists, "the word majoret" also lives among STIP students who have its own meaning between them.

"So K was also named a suspect based on the construction of Article 55 in conjunction with 56 of the Criminal Code," concluded Gidion.

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