JAKARTA - It has been a long time since the news has been heard that the producer and film player, Vera Lasut, is having a new activity. The player of the Manggarai Demon Train film was appointed General Chair of Motor Camping Adventure Indonesia (MCAI). MCAI is a forum for those who like touring, camping, and preserving the nature and culture of Indonesia.

Vera was attracted to join MACI because from a young age her parents had introduced her to love nature and to preserve her ancestral cultural heritage. "At the age of 4, he said that I had the initiative to pick up trash in Borobudur, crying over Prambanan Temple when he saw the Buffalo Statue whose head was missing. All messages were embedded and kept ringing until now, finally affirming the mandate of being the general chairman," said VEra Lasut during a video conference with the media. , Thursday, February 18th.

The MCAI declaration was just held in Pasir Luhur, Bogor, last Sunday, February 14. "When people think of motorbikes, people think of motorbikes, in MCAI we mean motorbikes as drivers. So we gather to be the movers to return to the wild so that we can connect with nature and return to nature," Vera explained during a virtual chat with the media.

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Vera admitted that the pandemic period triggered her to love nature more and come back closer to nature. That is why, Vera is willing to accept the mandate as Chairman of the MCAI.

"I am happy to be able to live again in nature, because I realize that it is impossible for humans to live without nature. Maybe many people are not aware of this, so I am moved to lead this organization so that it can be more useful to the wider community. beautiful, but diverse ethnicities, all extraordinary cultures and must continue to be preserved so that the children and grandchildren as the Next Generation of the Nation know, respect, protect and respect it, "he said.

Vera explained that MCAI moved its members to camp as a way back to nature. "We make schedules for camping regularly. MCAI members must join hands proactively to socialize MCAI as a home to protect Indonesian nature and culture," explained the producer of the film The Perfect House.

Even though it has just been formed, MCAI members are scattered throughout Indonesia. So the declaration is carried out simultaneously and connected.

"We made a declaration with limited members because it was still in a pandemic. So in Bogor, only the committee plus representatives from the Jakarta, West Java and Banten zones. Each regional committee went camping in their respective areas. virtual with zoom, "said Vera, Chairman of the MCAI for the 2021-2023 period.

During the declaration, Vera said there were planting tree seeds and releasing birds as symbols of fauna conservation & environmental preservation. "Meanwhile, in NTT there is also distribution of masks and education to the public on how to use the correct mask," said Vera Lasut.

Go International

"The event we are doing is camping together and the MCAI declaration. We want to participate in protecting and participating in protecting the surrounding environment. We do this every two months," said the NTT MCAI Advisory Council, Fuad Sauqi.

Representative of MCAI Sulawesi, Bambang hopes that MCAI can go international right? "We are proud and honored to be able to join MCAI. God willing, it will be more solid and unified. We hope that Biosa will go international. An extraordinary hobbyist," he explained.

As a filmmaker, Vera Lasut admits that she longs to shoot again. At MCAI he hopes to share his experiences with the members as well.

"I am preparing a documentary film and a film with the theme of popular folk legends. I want to transmit the spirit of documentation to MCAI members so that they can introduce the beauty of Indonesia to the world. MCAI members who are spread throughout Indonesia have the potential to explore tourist attractions that are not yet known to the wider community. "hope.

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