JAKARTA - The famous presenter Jimmy Fallon is not only known for his career in television, but also for his personal life which is far from negative news.

He is married to producer Nancy Juvonen since 2007 and has two daughters. However, there is an interesting story about his personal life. What is that?

While making a guest appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in 2015, Nicole Kidman shared the story of when she fell in love with Fallon. He even arranged a schedule to meet the presenter.

Fallon then explained, at that time a friend named Rick contacted him and said that there was a woman who wanted to meet Fallon. However, when the two met, Fallon seemed indifferent.

“You there are wearing baseball caps and not talking, and I think 'OK… so' then you play video games instead. Bad. After an hour and a half, I thought, 'He's (Fallon) not interested; This is very embarrassing, "said Kidman, making Fallon surprised.

Until finally, The Undoing player considered Fallon a gay. On the other hand, Fallon doesn't realize that Kidman likes her and her friend Rick tries to match them up.

It doesn't stop there. Kidman tried to give it a second chance when they attended a party at director David Fincher's house. "It was when Brad (Pitt) and Jen (Aniston) were still dating so this was going on for a long time ... and you could ask for my number but you didn't ask for it ..."

Again, Fallon doesn't realize that Kidman is attracted to him. Fallon was surprised and stepped away from the chair when he heard the story directly from Kidman.

Kidman himself is married to singer Keith Urban since 2006 and has two children.

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