JAKARTA - Boredom is inevitable if you and your partner have been in a relationship for a long time. However, this does not mean you and your partner should end the relationship immediately.

To let the chemistry between the two of you bounce back, try doing these interesting things with your partner and see, do Cupid's arrows work out well? Reporting from the Bustle page, Wednesday, February 17, here is the information.

Tell your partner

When boredom strikes, the easiest way to anticipate it is to be honest with your partner. Don't expect changes to come without communication. Avoid giving hints for something risky like this. If you interpreted it wrong, it will lead to an end of your relationship.

If you are afraid of hurting your partner, you can say that you are stuck in a habit and you think it will be fun for you to do new things together.

Get more touch

To get rid of boredom in relationships, try occasionally living out an old routine like giving each other an affectionate touch. Couples who have been in a relationship for a long time often think that this activity is not as important as when they first started out. In fact, touch is one of the important things for a healthy relationship. It doesn't have to be sexual, just holding hands, rubbing your head, or cuddling together while watching TV can bring back the slightly faded spark of romance.

Make changes

Boredom is often caused by monotonous things. So, change is needed so that the relationship comes back to life. No need to be large, just make changes to small things but brings extraordinary effects. For example, make a wishlist and think about the things you and your partner have always wanted to do together.

Doing something out of the ordinary can add warmth to the relationship and help the two of you feel more connected to each other.

Stop your boring routine

After you and your partner have successfully made changes, the next step is simply to stop all the boring routine before. Try to be spontaneous. Little surprises seem to save a relationship from burnout.

Me time

When you feel bored in a relationship, don't jump to the conclusion that this is because of your partner. It could be that you are bored because of the lack of opportunities to spend some time alone. So, during Me Time, try to find things that are stimulating, uplifting, and opening your mind. When you find your own joy, you are ready to start a relationship again.

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