JAKARTA - In a love relationship, commitment is needed. However, do you need to change yourself for the sake of loving your partner?

The commitment that is made between two human beings can lead to a happy life. It does not always require sacrifice, but it is necessary to sort out which ones are priorities. Can changing yourself make you happy? This is a big question and is relative to everyone.

However, some of the things below need to be considered before you decide to change something that is within.

Change yourself to achieve positive goals

A positive impact is certainly desirable, this is the first aspect that needs to be reflected. If the change in yourself is done with a positive purpose, then you can do it slowly.

Changing things that are authentic in oneself is not easy. However, if you are committed to being better and achieving happiness, it is not wrong to make big changes.

How much is your intention to change

Before undertaking major changes, try to be wise in your judgment. Because the amount of intention should be proportional to the results you will get. So, where the direction of the goal is going also an important indicator to turn negative things into more positive.

Changing is a long process

Habits that have been around for a long time or even since growing up are certainly not easy to change. This is also an important thing to consider. About how long you can afford to 'sacrifice' for love.

If the relationship has long-term potential, then it is not wrong to change the things you have. But, is realistic calculation will make you happier than the ideal that is far from reality?

Change requires sacrifice

For example, suppose you have a habit of getting up early and going to bed on time. You need to change this to spend time with your partner. This will not only pose a risk to physical health but also affect social relationships and relationships with family.

Automatically, you will also change the meeting hours with close friends and family, right? Not to mention other activities that are close and you often do such as your hobby.

Changing oneself intersects with life principles

Are you sure you want to change for the sake of love for your partner? Because a little change will intersect with the principles of life that you have held so far. That means you need to identify whether it is relevant to make changes for the sake of feelings for your partner?

If this applies to the contrary, of course, your partner will also consider the same thing. You and your partner can love each other as it is and unconditionally, right?

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