JAKARTA - Singer Bunga Citra Lestari is rumored to be soon releasing her widow status with a man named Tiko Pradipta Arya Wardhana. The news of this marriage was confirmed directly by the KUA Pasar Minggu registration staff, Emma Fatmayani.

Emma said both Bunga and Tiko had both completed the files needed to get married. It is planned that their wedding will be held on the Island of the Gods in Bali in early December this year.

However, until now, neither Bunga nor Tiko have provided further information regarding this happy news. However, in several uploads on the Bunga Citra Lestari Instagram, you can see togetherness with Tiko Wardhana in important moments with the Bunga family.

Here's a portrait of their togetherness:

1. Present at Grandma Bunga Citra Lestari's Birthday Event

The first moment of togetherness between Bunga Citra Lestari and Tiko Wardhana was recorded on the 70th anniversary of Bunga Citra Lestari's grandmother which was uploaded via her Instagram on July 23. In the photo, Tiko is seen wearing a black shirt standing behind Bunga Citra Lestari.

2. Accompany Flowers at Family Events

Furthermore, the moment of togetherness of Bunga and Tiko was also seen when Bunga again celebrated a birthday celebration on March 26 last. At this moment, Bunga and Tiko were seen not shy about sitting next to each other.

3. Celebrate Grandpa Bunga Citra Lestari's Birthday

Not only at the celebration of his grandmother's birthday, Tiko Wardhana was also present at the 76th anniversary of Bunga Citra Lestari's grandfather. This moment was uploaded by Bunga on February 7 last. Again, there is Bunga and Tiko togetherness where at this moment they are seen standing side by side.

4. Familiar with Noah Sinclair

Tiko was again seen in the birthday celebration of Bunga Citra Lestari's grandmother. This moment was uploaded by Bunga on July 25, 2022. Not only did he look familiar with the Bunga family, Tiko at this moment also seemed to be close to Bunga Citra Lestari's son with her late husband, Ashraf Sinclair, Noah. Where in the upload, Tiko held Noah's shoulder who was standing in front of him.

5. Join The Eid Celebration With The Bunga Citra Lestari Family

At this year's Eid celebration, BCL was again seen together with Tiko. Through his Instagram account, the mother of one uploaded several photos of himself with his family and several friends celebrating Eid al-Fitr.

"Celebrating Raya at home with family and friends. Minal Aidin walfamizin, apologize physically and mentally," wrote BCL in the caption of his upload, seen Thursday, April 27.

6. More Eid Celebration

Finally, Tiko and Bunga's moment of togetherness was not only recorded at birthday moments, but at one of the moments of Eid al-Fitr last year, Tiko was also seen present in the midst of Bunga Citra Lestari's extended family. Tiko and Bunga were seen sitting next to each other and both threw happy faces.

Bunga Citra Lestari dan Tiko Wardhana (Instagram/@bclsinclair)

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