YOGYAKARTA - Many Indonesians are crazy about durian fruit. Duren lovers usually like to eat the seeds of this serbit-flavored fruit in one sitting. But after that many complained about the smell that was left in their mouth. There are several ways to get rid of the smell after eating durian.

Besides the delicious taste and making nagih, durian emits a fairly pungent aroma. Usually the aroma of durian will stick or fall behind in the mouth or hand after eating this fruit. Especially if you eat it excessively or in large quantities. So how to get rid of the smell after eating durian?

The smell of durian that is left in the mouth or hands sometimes disturbs the nose of the nose. Often the pungent smell of durian also disturbs the comfort of others, especially for those who are anti or do not like the duren.

For those of you duren addicts, here are some ways to disappear after eating durian so as not togent the smell:

One of the recommended tips for driving away the durian aroma that sticks to the mouth is by drinking lots of water. Water can help remove the remnants of food that are stuck or stuck in the oral cavity.

By drinking a lot of water, saliva production also increases to prevent dry mouth. Because dry mouth conditions can make bacteria grow and develop, then produce sulfur compounds that are pungent in the mouth.

Another effective way to remove the smell of durian in the mouth is to use mouthwash or mouthwash. Mouthwash which contains chlorine dioxide is quite effective in dealing with unpleasant odors in the mouth. The content works to remove bacteria, dental plaque, and remnants of food particles left in the oral cavity.

To treat the smell of the mouth after eating durian, you can also do it by brushing your teeth. You need to brush all your teeth to the sidelines. The remains of the fruit that slips and lags behind your teeth can cause a buildup of bacteria and plaque that can increase the unpleasant aroma in your mouth.

You can also use floating to clean areas that are not affordable by brushing your teeth. Flossing is the method of cleaning between teeth using dental threads. But avoid doing too hard floating techniques because it can cause bloody gums.

The next tip you can do is eat mouth odor removal foods. You can choose various foods and drinks that function to remove unpleasant odors in the mouth. For example, by eating foods that contain vitamin C (jeruk, broccoli, mango, etc.) and yogurt.

The vitamin C content will make the condition of the mouth uncomfortable for bacterial growth. While yogurt is able to reduce levels of sulfide compounds that cause unpleasant odors in the mouth.

Voting gum can also help to get rid of the smell of the mouth after eating durian. A study in the Journal of Breath Research says that gum can trigger you to chew more often. This activity will increase the production of saliva in the oral cavity, thus preventing unpleasant smells.

You can also drink coconut water as a step to treat the smell of the mouth after eating durian. Head water is known as antibacterial and electrolyte which is able to remove unpleasant odors in the mouth. In addition, this drink can also cool the stomach to neutralize the heat that is sometimes felt because it eats too much dune.

Those are some ways to remove the smell of the mouth after eating durian. You can apply one of the steps above so that your mouth does not emit durian odors that interfere with the comfort of the smell of yourself or those around you.

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