JAKARTA - Time is so precious, just one hour without a certain activity will be such a waste. What about your time allocated to work? If it is not regulated with proper management, it will feel tiring and unproductive.

To minimize the wasting of time, you can apply the following time management strategies below.

Map out the time you have

Before arranging what tasks will be completed today, you need to map out the time you have as well as any tasks that take a lot of time to complete.

For example, suppose it takes you one hour to chit-chat on electronic messages before completing an administrative task. Knowing where the time has gone can help to organize it more effectively.

Set a time limit

Like a game, you need to set a time limit for completing a task. As long as you set a definite deadline and try to finish according to the schedule you set, work will feel happier.

Take advantage of tools that make it easier for you to manage your time

Repeatedly looking at the clock would be disturbing. In order to make you feel like being terrorized by time at work, you can use tools to monitor which work has been completed. The software or tools that can track the progress of each day and you can control it.

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Illustration of tools for work (Unsplash / Nick Morrison)

Make a to-do list

Making a list of all tasks saves time. If at the beginning of the day you have made the list, no need to ask questions about what to do.

Making lists also makes you more focused and motivated. At the end of the day, satisfaction will be more achieved because you know what tasks have been completed or need to be finished.

Have plans

The ideal plans need to be drawn up before undertaking the task. For example, plans for next week, next month, or even next year.

When you know exactly what needs to be done the next day, task activities will be more focused. Although there may be many changes, they are at least documented.

Start with the most important

The most important tasks, complete them first or at the beginning of the day. The reason is that because you have the most energy in the morning, therefore you can do your tasks more efficiently and competently.

Share the workload

Nothing can be done alone, you need to divide tasks with the team. Sharing of tasks is more energy effective and can solve many complexities.

Avoid multitasking

Various research and experience workers, completing multiple tasks at one time will not be effective. What happens is that the work is halfway and unfocused. Concentrate on one task and when you're done, you can handle other tasks.

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Multitasking illustration (Unsplash / Austin Distel)

Make changes

Some people will be more energetic in the morning, some will be more concentrated when completing tasks at night. So, choose your prime time and make changes to the schedule at certain times. It aims to refresh the mind and try new things.

Avoid perfection

Perfection often sabotages yourself or hinders your abilities. Avoid analyzing too much in the pursuit of perfection. Do the assignment carefully and do your best.

Basically, time management rests on your attitude and commitment to your goals. Any tips and strategies will not work if they are not embedded in the person.

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