JAKARTA - Happy news is surrounding the small families of Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah. The reason is that on the beautiful date, November 11, their second daughter was born by caesarean at the Mother and Child Hospital (RSIA), Menteng, Central Jakarta.

In a press conference, Atta, who was accompanied by a pediatrician, dr. Abdullah Reza said that his second daughter was born weighing 3.3 kilograms and 41 centimeters long.

"It weighs 3.3 (kilograms) with a length of 41 cm. After dr. Ivan helped give birth, everything was safe, thank God there were no abnormalities. After that, he was immediately given an call to prayer and a qomat in the operating room," said dr. Abdullah Reza at RSIA Bunda Menteng, Central Jakarta, Monday, November 13.

Furthermore, Atta, who did not want to announce the name of his second child, tried to explain the difference between his first child, Ameena Hanna Nur Atta and her second daughter.

Atta explained that at birth, Ameena had heavier hair than her sister, besides that Ameena also had many birth certificates. In addition, her second daughter sleeps more than Ameena.

"If Ameena has heavy hair, this is just finer, then Ameena has many birth certificates and this is not," continued Atta.

"His hair is thinner than his mother's, when Ameena was born he had a heavy rambut. Ameena's sister is smoother, then sleeping beauty has a lot of BOBos, if Ameena cries more and gets excited," he continued.

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