YOGYAKARTA Sectary lifestyle in general is a lifestyle that refers to the lack of activities carried out by a person. This lifestyle has a bad effect on health. Unfortunately not many people realize it. This article will try to provide information regarding what a celebrity lifestyle is.

Quoted from AI Care, a significant lifestyle or a sedentary lifestyle is a lifestyle that is carried out by someone by doing a little physical activity. This means that someone who does not carry out many physical activities on a daily basis can be said to be a adherent of a secitary lifestyle.

Characteristics of sedentary lifestyle adherents are that he does less physical activities outside of sleep and does more monotonous activities such as sitting or lying down. These lifestyle actors usually only waste their daily energy below 1.5 metabolic equivalents (METs).

It should be noted that a sudden lifestyle is sometimes done with full awareness, but there are also those who do this habit without realizing it. Several factors that trigger an unconscious person to adopt a secondary lifestyle such as work factors, relaxing habits for too long, activities such as long distance driving, and many more. This is common in modern humans.

In the body lifestyle, there are three criteria that are distinguished based on the duration of the abscession of daily physical activities, namely as follows.

Secretary lifestyle is low if a person does not carry out physical activities in less than 2 hours.

A person is said to have a secondary lifestyle at the middle level if he does not carry out physical activities until he becomes a habit with a duration of 2 to 5 hours per day.

The highest level of significant lifestyle is when a person does nothing with a duration of more than 5 hours per day.

Quoted from the Ministry of Health website, one-stop habits must be limited because according to various studies, this behavior triggers negative effects, one of which is obesity. Some of the negative effects of living circles are as follows, quoted from various sources.

Obesity is often associated with gaining weight to obesity. This happens because the energy in the food will be absorbed and stored by the body into fat reserves. If fat is not burned through activity, the risk of a person suffering from obesity will be higher. This also has the potential to be experienced by a single actor.

Not only obesity, the perpetrators also have a risk of developing diabetes metabolic disease. This condition certainly worsens the overall health of the body, which has an impact on a person's survival.

When a person lacks physical movement, the risk of a buildup of fat in the blood vessels will increase. The fat plate in the blood vessels will affect the performance of the heart so that there is a potential for heart andappropriation.

Because they often remain silent, the muscle mass and strength that the body can produce will decrease a lot. This happens because muscles are not widely used in various physical activities. Even muscle mass can shrink to the effect of body appearance.

A person who takes too long to sit down or lie down will trigger other problems in the bone, including slowly changing his posture.

That's information about what a celebrity lifestyle is. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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