JAKARTA - Agnez Mo's career success process did not come instantly. Her dream of starting an international career was full of obstacles. To Daniel Mananta, Agnez revealed that her initial contract in America had failed and made her doubted herself.

"So, before talking to the media, I had been in America for three weeks. Already with a lawyer, my mother was also there, I've been in the studio every day. Suddenly the people who took care of the contract one by one left. I felt like there were no backup plans, it just didn't work", said Agnez Mo as quoted from Daniel Mananta's YouTube channel, Tuesday, February 9.

Went back to Indonesia, without anyone knowing that her contract failed, Agnes doubted herself. "I really remember going to my brother's house. Then he said 'maybe God sees you're not ready, Nez.' As simple as that, I think God spoke to me through my brother", she said.

Agnez believes her family always supports her. That failure triggered her to be better, from vocal training to physical and mental preparation.

The singer who was born July 1, 1986, even saw the failure as a preview. "Okay God, that means you just gave me a preview of what I might get when I'm ready", said Agnez.

"At that time I learned to laugh at problems, learn to be grateful. Not giving up, believe in God's plan. When we feel like we can't do anything, what makes us survive is hope", she explained.

Finally, Agnez Mo managed to prove everything she said in the past. The singer whose real name is Agnes Monika Muljoto launched her first international album, entitled X in 2017. This achievement then continued on to other achievements.

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