When Will The Fire Ring Sun Eclipse Appear? Can You See It In Indonesia?
When the Ringring Sun Eclipse - Portrait of the ring solar eclipse shared by NASA (photo: dock. NASA)

YOGYAKARTA - The Hot Ring Sun Eclipse will take place on Saturday (14/10). Unfortunately, Indonesia is not one of the areas this phenomenon passes through. So when do you think about the ring of fire sun eclipse?

This eclipse will be enjoyed in North, Central, and South America. Unlike the usual solar eclipse, this eclipse shows a flash of light around the Moon that covers the Sun.

Reporting from several sources, the nickname "ring of fire" comes from the appearance of a solar eclipse similar to a Total Solar Eclipse, but the Moon is located at the furthest point in its orbit from Earth, so it cannot completely limit the Sun.

Thus, the fiery sunlight surrounds the shadow of the Moon, producing what the ring of fire reveals.

The Total Solar Eclipse will begin in the United States at 09: 13 a.m. local time (about 23.13 a.m.) and cross the Oregon coast to Texas Bay Beach. This eclipse also appears in Oregon, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico and Texas.

Not only that, the shadow of the Moon will also appear in parts of California, Idaho, Colorado, and Arizona. The eclipse will end in the US at 12:03 pm CT(October 15: 03 WIB).

After leaving the US, the eclipse will cross Mexico,tender, Honduras, Panama, and Colombia before ending on the South American Atlantic coast in Christmas, Brazil.

Unfortunately, this phenomenon cannot be seen from Indonesia. The phenomenon of the last Sun eclipse to be seen in Indonesia this year is a hybrid solar eclipse last April.

Bosscha Bandung observatory staff Yatni Yulianti said Indonesians could see the phenomenon of the solar eclipse in the range from 2028 to 2042.

He said that on July 22, 2028, a partial solar eclipse would pass through Indonesia. Next on May 21, 2031, Indonesia will be passed by a ring solar eclipse and there are 2 areas in the country that this eclipse has passed, namely Kalimantan and Sulawesi.

Then, only on April 20, 2042, Indonesia will meet again with the Total Solar Eclipse. The eclipse will pass through Sumatra, slightly in new Kalimantan to the Philippines at that time.

"October 14, 2042, the ring solar eclipse will cross Indonesia and pass through Kalimantan, Sulawesi and islands in the eastern[area]. So 2042 will be a special and busy year for astronomers," he said last August.

So after knowing when the ring of fire sun eclipse will be, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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