JAKARTA - Indonesia is under siege by COVID-19. The rate of increase of positive cases from day to day is still high. This makes Sandiaga Uno, Indonesia's Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy worried. Sandiaga advised VOI readers to comply with 3M: wash their hands, wear masks, and maintain their distance. "The health of our families and relatives around us can be started from our obedience. Remember, today, our health is the health of others," he said.

Masks function to prevent you from transmitting or contracting various diseases, such as flu, cough, ARI, and severe acute respiratory syndrome or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. The spread rate of the COVID-19 virus can also be contained if we actively use masks.

Therefore, wearing a mouth mask can be one of the best ways so that we are not easily infected or transmit disease. Masks that are used correctly can help prevent viruses and bacteria from spreading through mucus or fluids that come out when you sneeze or cough.

Respiratory viruses such as Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) spreads when mucus or droplets containing the virus enter the body through the eyes, nose or throat. Quoting Unicef, virus transmission often occurs by hand.

Hands are one of the most common ways the virus spreads from one person to another. One of the cheapest, easiest and most important ways to prevent the spread of the virus is to wash your hands frequently with soap and water, especially during a global pandemic.

To stop the current spread of the corona virus, the public has been instructed to carry out physical distancing or maintain distance between humans by staying at home, avoiding crowds, and refrain from making direct contact with other people.

Therefore, 3M must continue to be carried out even though currently vaccination has started. "Don't get infected, don't let us infect," said Sandiaga Uno.

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