YOGYAKARTA Did you know that vitamin B3 deficiency can cause pelllagra disease. Unfortunately, public awareness and knowledge of the disease are still minimal. The following is information about the understanding and symptoms of pelllagra disease.

Quoted from AI Care, pelllagra disease is a disease that infection involves the skin as well as can trigger dementia. This disease is generally caused by vitamin B3 deficiency.

When the body lacks Niasin or can be called B3, the body will experience pelllagra. Vitamin B3 itself is important because it plays a role in maintaining the health of nerve cells, skin, and digestive channels. Niasin also helps turn food into the energy needed by the body.

Vitamin B3 also plays a role in helping to keep digestion normal and maintain appetite.

When someone experiences a pellagra condition, they will have three complaints, namely as follows.

Dermatitis is inflammation or irritation in the skin. These disorders are usually characterized by itching, dry and reddish skin, a burning sensation appears, a wound on the lips, to a crusty or scaly skin.

Pellagras triggered by vitamin B3 deficiency can also be characterized by chronic diarrhea symptoms or digestive disorders such as stomach pain, defecation accompanied by blood, nausea, and decreased appetite.

Dementia is a decrease in the mind and memory of a person. These symptoms can be felt by people with pelllagra. In severe cases, the pelllagra is also characterized by a nervous system disorder that causes the sufferer to experience sudden mood swings, numbness, anxiety, anxiety, confusion, tremors, and even hallucinations. This condition then risks the emergence of mental health disorders.

Penyakit pelllagra bisa muncul dengan dua karena yakni kategori primer dan sela secondari. Pada penyebab pellagra bisa dicuki karena kekurangan vitamin B3 atau tryptophan. Biasanya terjadi saat seseorang mengalami kekeraran yang cukup lama dan tidak adanya sumber makanan yang sehat. Kategori prukul juga bisa terjadi pada masyarakat yang makanan mainnya corn.

Basically corn contains niacytin which is another form of niacin. However, niacytin cannot be processed and absorbed maximally by the body so that when a person consumes basic corn, there is a potential for vitamin B3 deficiency.

Meanwhile, the cause of secondary palllagra occurs due to other diseases that make the body unable to absorb vitamin B3 properly. The disease in question is as follows.

Prevention of pelllagra can be done by consuming nutritious food. However, this condition can only be done for someone who lacks vitamin B3, not in the seller because of other diseases. Foods that contain a lot of B3 are as follows.

That's information related to symptoms of pelllagra disease. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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