JAKARTA - Mawar de Jongh will fill the latest series by the production house Paragon Pictures entitled Love Ice Cream as Irene. In this series he will compete acting with Krisjiana Baharrudin, the husband of the dancer Siti Badriah and will air starting September 24.

In this series, Mawar will use the protest make-up to describe Irene's character who has a body contains. He admitted that this was his first time using this make-up and became a challenge for him.

He explained that during his use of make-up he had to spend more effort on expression. In fact, he had difficulty eating during the shooting process.

"So I'm really happy to be able to join Love Ice Cream, because I got the first chance to also use the synthetic make-up in this project. Maybe there are some difficulties in the face, the way I express needs more effort, because there is make-up on the cheeks, chins, so talking is also a bit difficult to do more," and to smile is also difficult, "said Mawar de Jongh in Melawai, South Jakarta, Thursday, September 21.

"If you eat yourself, you really eat softer foods, like porridge. But you still can't eat with a spoon, so I eat with a straw," he continued.

It is not an easy thing, the owner of the real name Mawar Eva de Jongh said it would take up to 6 hours to pair a protest make-up on his face.

"The make-up process itself is 6 hours because we are still looking for it and after 5 hours, after that we will find it and it will be 4 hours," he said.

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