YOGYAKARTA If you undergo regular cardio exercise, not only physically and mentally healthy. Cardio sports travel fast roads, run, burpees, swim, cycle, ladder up and down, dangcing, to boxing. This type of sport, according to research findings, is beneficial for sexual life. The reason is, research shows the results of an analysis that the more routine participants exercise, the less problems in sexual life.

Research published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, found that people who spend more time doing cardio exercises, have fewer physical sex problems such as erectile dysfunction in men and are aroused by women. Researchers asked 3,906 men and 2,264 women who cycled, swam, or ran to fill out surveys. Participants come from various countries, including the United States, New Zealand, Canada, Britain, and Australia. They are all over 18 years of age or with an average age of 40 years.

In the survey, researchers raised questions about how often participants exercise every week, their distance and speed exercise, and have ever done certain methods in their training. The researchers also asked men if they had erectile dysfunction and how often they were. Female participants are asked about the value of their orgasm satisfaction, plus how easy it is or difficult to sexually stimulate.

Men who burn more than 8,000 calories each week have a lower risk of erectile dysfunction. In fact, men who exercise enough to burn calories more than 8,260 calories each week have a 22 percent smaller chance of having erectile dysfunction than men who burned fewer calories. Researchers say the loss of the amount of calories is equivalent to about 10 hours of cycling at a speed of 26 kilometers per hour for a week.

Women who spend more time exercising cardio, reported by Business Insider, Wednesday, September 6, said they had a better orgasm. Female participants who take part in the study also say they are more satisfied with their orgasm than women who exercise less time. They also report that they are more easily aroused.

Exercise, according to researchers, may be useful for cutting seats, lying down, and passive. By exercising harder, they benefit from sexual function. Apart from being associated with sexual functions, cardio exercise also has benefits related to improving heart health and a better mood.

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