YOGYAKARTA Body language experts try to analyze how the style of holding hands and it means in relationships. If you often unconsciously link your hand with your partner, according to psychotherapist and relationship coach Toni Coleman, LSCW., this marks the desire to always be close.

Coleman added, we only hold hands with people who are comfortable and or make us interested. By holding hands, positive feelings will arise so that the two of them feel sexy and desirable. It's important to understand, holding hands is not just romantic. Hand respect is a type of non-verbal communication and also marks you are truly comfortable, safe, and like your relationship. Of course, every body language with your hand has a certain signature according to its style, here's the full explanation.

If the style goes hand in hand by linking your fingers with your partner, it symbolizes a high desire to stay connected, said body language expert Karen Donaldson. This shows a strong and deep bond. In addition, it shows that couples are confident in their relationship and are comfortable enough to tell the world about it.

"This is usually one of the first signs couples use to show their status," explained movement pattern analyst Alison Henderson.

This style of holding hands may be a bit confusing because it has some conflicting meanings. According to Donaldson, one of the possibilities is that one of the people is less involved in holding hands and this indicates doubt or a new relationship. But holding hands loose also marks a long-standing couple together and marks comfort without the need to look flashy.

Couples who have been together for a long time feel there is no need to prove anything and can only stay calm in order to keep feeling the connection, "added Henderson.

When your partner holds hands with both hands, one of his hands is on top of your hand and the other is below. He may hold his hand while staring at your eyes. This style of holding hands marks a very comfortable way of holding hands and tries to signal that they are focusing on you. They are also saying nonverbally about trust. But it needs to be identified, when your hand is full of pressure, it marks dominance or keeps you from 'flying away'.

The style of holding hands is strong but not intertwining, hinting at the protective grip. It has tighter control, is dominant, and aims to take over. Henderson added, this may also be a couple's way of staying connected but not ready to be in a relationship.

If you and your partner sit next to each other, the couple wrap their arms around the back of the neck and depend on each other's hands to hold hands, usually showing a more established relationship. This style of holding hands shows exclusivity, a very intimate attitude, and the couple pays attention to each other.

When you put your hands on someone else's hand, it may mean you're keeping bad news, Coleman said. However, there is still a level of concern that is reflected in this style of holding hands. This can be a calming, comfortable, and protective act. Or can say a nonverbal sentence It's okay, stick to it.

While walking your partner embraces and puts his hand on the side of your shoulder, marks protective signal and feels proud of the relationship. Obviously Donaldson, this means your partner wants everyone to know the status of your relationship with him.

Linking just one finger while holding hands, indicates that you and your partner are very relaxed and comfortable with each other. This is a romantic attitude that is usually seen in established relationships.

Holding hands by locking your fingers is fun, weightless, and reminds children's'swears'. It can also be a little sexy with alludations to the physical things to come, "explained Henderson.

The above is an expert's explanation of the meaning of hand in hand with your partner. Which one do you and your partner often do? It is important to understand, hand in hand also helps the body release oxytocin so as to reduce stress, relax the nervous system, lower heart rate and blood pressure, and lower cortisol.

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