YOGYAKARTA - When asked when to teach children to eat their own food? Of course, this is a very interesting discussion for parents who are taking care of their children for the first time, well, we will discuss this below!

After getting exclusive breast milk for 6 months, children can be given breast milk complement (MPASI) food. During the MPASI period, children are not only taught the taste of cooking, but also gradually learn to eat on their own.

Until he reaches the age of 2 years, it is hoped that the child will be able to hold a spoon and be able to eat on his own. Even so, pediatrician dr. Meta Haninduta, Sp. A. said that the target needed process and exercise slowly.

At the beginning of the MPASI or the age of 6 months, children have not been able to hold a spoon. So all of the food is still fed.

"At the same time we are getting older, we have started to be able to teach children to eat on our own. At first we could teach finger food first. So there are foods that we still bribe, but children are asked to consume or give them food that can be held," explained doctor Meta at the time of live broadcast. Instagram with Tasya Kamila, Wednesday (20/10/2021).

At the same time increasing age, parents can share their own spoons. However, parents also always feed their children. The goal is that children begin to learn to bribe themselves with spoons. However, for fear of more that is not consumed, parents still need to feed their children.

"Because food that enters children can be less. Instead of being wasted, that's why you are still obliged to help accompany. But if it's over 2 years old, the majority of children can eat on their own," he said.

But admitted by doctor Meta, letting a 2 year old child eat alone is actually also at risk that food is not completely eaten. So what is feared is that the consumption of nutrients will not be maximized.

At that age, children also start to face the neophobia phase or are afraid to try new foods. In the aftermath, it can cause children to become picky eaters or be picky about eating.

If so, the Meta doctor emphasized that parents should not have time to force their children to eat foods they don't like.

"The one who has the right to make sure how much is eaten, what he wants to eat, is the child's whole right. As long as he grows well, his weight goes up well, after that his height also goes up well, meaning that the nutritional needs are well fulfilled," he said.

He improved that the task of parents is actually only to prepare food varies according to the nutritional needs of children. On the other hand, children have the right to choose whether to eat how much they are provided.

Moreover, persuading or luring children with one so that they want to eat should not be tried by their parents.

"Perjukan anak makan secara sublalu itu juga termasuk memaksa. Kita masih memperkenalkan sinyal lapangan serta satih pada anak, dengan kita persuaya rayu secara mulu, memaksa meski baik-baik saja, itu asama saja dengan tidak mengunggapi sinyal lapangan serta satihan anak. Sebab yang tahu sinyal pakan serta satu itu cumi itu cuma anak," ucapnya.

It is different if you solely share information about the efficacy of cooking that must be eaten without the sentence asking your child to eat it.

"For example, telling children if they eat meat later it can be big quickly, you know. That's okay, because the decision to eat or not remains with the child," he concluded.

So after knowing when to teach children to eat on their own, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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