JAKARTA - Vaccination is the hope for Indonesia to win against COVID-19. It's just that the current number of vaccines is still limited, so there is a need to queue for free vaccines by the government. Barbie Kumalasari is one of the artists who is enthusiastically waiting for a vaccine. While waiting, he always adhered to 3M protocol.

"For those of you who are still waiting for your turn to get the vaccine, don't forget to always apply 3M: wear a mask, wash your hands, and keep your distance," said Barbie when met in the Mampang Prapatan area some time ago.

"Indeed, we have to be very careful at this time. If it is not really important, there is no need to go. In the past, one of 100 people was affected, now one of 50 people is affected," he added.

Experience provides sports lessons for Barbie. Even though she was stubborn without wearing a mask, now Barbie realizes the importance of 3M.

"My family was affected too. My aunt, friends were also affected. I used to be naughty, not wearing a mask. If now I never wear a mask, I have to force myself to wear a mask," he said.

Mask hygiene is also one of his concerns. "Pay attention to the cleanliness of masks. The cloth must be washed diligently. For disposable masks, you must also replace them regularly," he said.

For outdoor activities, Barbie always tries to keep her distance as recommended by the 3M protocol. "My activities are not disturbed because I am not as good as before. I have to keep my distance, the meeting does not want to be in a crowded place. I also go to the gym if it's busy, I run a little. Right now the capacity is limited," he concluded.

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