JAKARTA - There is always something interesting to discuss when the YouTube channel Maia Al El Dul TV uploads a new video. Including when they uploaded a video of El, Dul, and singer Rizky Febian talking together about childhood.

The three of them can be said to have similar ages so that they feel comfortable with delinquency in their elementary and junior high school days. from the chat, there were several confessions from Rizky that made netizens curious.

1. Stubborn when Elementary School

"I was really naughty when I was in elementary school. At that time I wasn't a center of attraction. People didn't know who I was, and my father wasn't really famous either. So it was more comfortable than now. Back in elementary school, I took 10 minutes of rest, it could be 2 hours because I skipped the classes. Then I was fun to put the girls' skirts on top of their heads", recalls Rizky.

2. Have a collection of adult films in Junior high school

Rizky admitted that his puberty was not always good. Even during Junior high school, Rizky had a collection of hundreds of adult videos.

"I had a competition and I got a flash disk. So at that time, I was in the DVD season, so I saved it in the book of Student worksheet (LKS). The next day I had to collect assignments, I collected the LSK together with the DVD. So embarrassed, I felt bad, I got scolded by the teacher, finally, I threw away the flash disk containing hundreds of videos", recalls Rizky.

3. Staged-Relationship with Anya Geraldine

Rizky Febian finally admitted that his relationship with Anya Geraldine was an arrangement to promote several songs he released in 2020. "That's a setting. At that time I thought I needed a female artist who could attract the masses. Yes, that's Anya", he said.

Anya Geraldine does not only appear in one video clip belonging to Rizky Febian. There are three different singles, all of which show their affection.

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4. Getting emotional (Baper)

Departing from the setting relationship, Rizky Febian admitted that he was very comfortable and amazed by Annya's kindness. "From there, you know Anya as well", he said.

However, Rizky did not think about continuing the relationship deeper because they are more comfortable being friends. "For me personally, especially I am an insecure person, so at that time I could be close and know that Anya was actually already happy. I just got carried away (Baper) at that time. But in the end, I became really friends with her. I was really open with her, I could talk about anything to her", he said.

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