JAKARTA - Sports medicine specialist dr. Antonius Andi Kurniawan, Sp.KO advises the elderly to exercise regularly for the better quality of life and a happier heart.

"During exercise, the body will release the endorphins that can improve mood, and make the body and mind more relaxed," said Andi of the Association of Sports Medicine Specialists (PDSKO) as quoted by ANTARA.

"Endorfn hormones can reduce pain and provide positive energy, which leads to a happier heart," explained the Sports Medicine Sports Medicine Specialist, Injury & Recovery Center at Pondok Indah Hospital Bintaro Jaya.

Basically, regular exercise and physical activity are better not to be abandoned even though you are old. Andi said that lack of movement or rarely exercise can increase the risk of various health problems in an elderly person, such as joint and muscle pain, high blood pressure, dementia or dementia, to diabetes.

He explained the benefits of regular exercise for the elderly in body health, namely strengthening muscles and joints, advancing blood circulation, helping control comorbid diseases that have been suffered, such as heart disease, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, hypertension.

Another benefit is to slow down the severity of geriatric syndrome, maintain the health and function of the brain while reducing the risk of disorders in the brain, such as dementia, reducing stress and the risk of mental disorders, such as depression, and helping prevent obesity.

Regarding duration, it is still recommended that exercise in the elderly be 150 minutes every week or at least half an hour every day. However, there are still things that must be considered because the condition of the elderly's body is different from when they were young. According to Andi, the elderly should first consult a doctor before deciding to exercise. Do proper exercise according to their respective health conditions.

"The elderly who have not exercised for a long time should start exercising slowly with light and constant exercise," he said.

Warming is no less important. Andi emphasized that he always warms up before exercising and cooling down after exercising. Although simple, these two things can help prepare the body for exercise and rest, as well as reduce the risk of injury during exercise.

"Do exercise when the body is really fit," he added.

Feeling tired quickly is a natural thing, so the elderly are asked not to force themselves. It's better to do exercise slowly with full awareness of your own abilities and stop when you feel tired. Training balance is also important, because balance training is very useful to prevent falling which can lead to injury.

"Learn the right techniques in doing sports so that sports injuries do not occur," he said.

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