YOGYAKARTA - When before registering for kindergarten or elementary school, there is generally a test to take into account the calistung expertise that a child has. Are you familiar with the term Calistung? Calistung really means to support the education process, either in schools, homes, or in tutoring places.

In this post, we will regulate the notion of calistung, destination, efficacy, and stages of learning a perfect calistung fit to the age of a child. Come on, listen!

The golden age of children begins from birth to 6 years. At the age of 2 to 3 years, children absorb various things they encounter to train their cognitive skills. However, they are not ready to pursue school materials.

When they reach the age of 4, children begin to understand their colors, shapes, natural panoramas, and body parts. At this time, fathers and mothers can invite them to be in touch with the environment, so that they develop independently and have confidence.

So, in order for the child's growth and development to continue to be maximized, at what age should children be obliged to study calistung? Follow some of these guidelines so that Mother and Father know when is the right time for children to study calistung.

1. Learn to Read

Reading skills can be taught when a child is 3' 5 years old. Bunda can introduce letters and numbers through pictures. Try using a picture book so that your child is interested in memorizing alphabetic forms and numbers.

When they reach the age of 4-6, children are expected to be able to understand the word tribe and master the message in the text. Generally, at the age of 5 children have also been able to recognize the story from the reading they read.

2. Learn to write

Before learning to write, children must first understand the method of holding pencils properly so they are not rigid.

When they were 1' 2 years old, they made random graffiti. At first, the child held a pencil with his fist and movements out of control.

Gradually, children can control movements in writing. The scribbles are made more slick and in shape, a kind of circle or straight line. The child will shift to holding a pencil between the thumb and the middle finger.

Well, at the age of 3, 5 years then the child gets a description of the shape and pattern. At this time, children can draw lines, curves and points, which are one of the steps to start unifying patterns that can form letters.

After being able to write letters, in the future it will be easier for children to write words and sentences. Although the stage is quite long, but there is no need to rush to pursue the achievement of children. Because, each child needs different times in learning.

3. Learn to Count

Mother and Father can be confused about how the method of directing mathematics in children. The first step that can be tried is to find out the number 1'100. After that, invite the child to calculate the objects near. This session can begin when the child reaches the age of 4'6 years.

Well, at the age of 6 7 years, children's counting skills continue to grow. Because, sensory and motor skills they are ready to pursue the numbers well. Parents and teachers can direct simple counting surgery, such as accumulation, reduction, multiplication, division, and fraction.

So after knowing the ideal age of children studying calistung, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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