JAKARTA - Washing your face is one of your daily routines. At a minimum, a woman washes her face about 2 to 3 times a day. So often, sometimes this routine makes you forget the important things in maintaining facial hygiene.

If you have followed the recommended procedures for cleaning your face, such as using micellar water, face wash, then toner, but your facial skin is still having problems, then chances are you are making the following common mistakes:

Use the same towel as the body towel

Facial skin is the most sensitive part of the body skin. If you have been using a body towel to dry your face, there is a chance that the bacteria that were previously in your body can transfer to your face as you wipe your face with the towel. These bacteria can trigger acne!

Rinse face with warm water

Warm water has the tendency to open up pores and make them more visible. In addition, warm water has the potential to dry out the skin more than cold water. Wash your face with warm water before using face wash, so that the skin is ready for deep cleansing, but always rinse your face with room temperature water or cold water afterward to close the pores again.

Exfoliate frequently

Exfoliating can indeed cleanse the face deeply. However, you should not do it every day. Excessive use of exfoliating products will cause skin irritation and strip the natural nutrients in the outer skin layer.

Especially if you exfoliate using products containing AHA / DHA, your skin might become dry and thin, especially if you have sensitive skin, it can actually cause acne.

Didn't wash your hands beforehand

Before washing your face, make sure your hands are clean from bacteria first. Because little things that are rarely noticed can turn into big things later.

Forgetting toners in rituals

Sometimes, some women still doubt the benefits of toner. In fact, toner is one of those magical products that does what facial soap doesn't. Toners help neutralize and soothe the face, get rid of residue, and provide many good properties for the face that will make the face look healthier and more radiant.

Postpone the use of skincare

Usually, after washing one's face, a person will give a break of about 5 to 10 minutes before applying skincare products to the face. Apparently, according to Korean women's beauty secret regulations, facial care products must be applied 10 seconds after washing your face. Because the conditions for facial hygiene are optimal and will lock in the hydration of the outer layer well.

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