How To Overcome Gamophobia, Fear Of Being Bound To Marriage
Description of Marriage (Emma Bauso / Pexels)

JAKARTA - Committing to a marriage relationship is the ultimate goal for weavers. However, there are also those who choose to have a relationship without being tied to a marriage bond.

The fear of commitment in marriage leads some people to choose the path of not getting married. This is known as gamophobia. So, can this fear be overcome?

The answer is of course 'yes' if you have the determination to face that fear. Apart from trying to change perspectives and enriching knowledge about marriage, there are also several ways to get rid of the fear of getting married.

Summarized from various sources, including the following:

Identify the source of fear

The first step in dealing with the fear of marriage is to identify the root of that fear. Take a look at your surroundings and determine if your fears have been stemming from the failures of relationships with those closest to you? or maybe a bad parental relationship made you afraid to commit?

Whatever the reason, identifying the source of fear is very important in curing gamophobia.

Don't expect

Naturally, to have a dream as well as a dream of marriage like a fairy tale However, it's best not to get your hopes up because it won't happen.

When choosing to marry your partner, you have to understand that you are not only marrying the good side of him, but also the bad side. Likewise with a partner. He must be able to accept both your weaknesses and strengths.

Therefore, it is important to realize that marriage is not just full of happiness. However, with your partner later, various obstacles can be overcome easily.

Surround yourself with happy partners

If you are a gamophobic but can tolerate conversations about marriage, then you can meet couples who have been married for years and look happy with their marriage.

You can ask them to share stories, tips, and tricks on how they can overcome their fears about marriage. If the gaps are identified, then consider following those suggestions for your relationship.

In addition, multiply your knowledge by reading things about marriage. By learning and enriching yourself with the science of marriage, this method can guide you to choose your partner wisely, date constructively, commit to, even build a strong family.

Ask the reason "why should I get married?"

Another way to deal with fear of marriage is to ask yourself why you are getting married. If you know for sure, then you can likely face that fear because there is a goal you want to achieve by getting married.

Marriage is sacred and not to be tried. So make sure you really have a strong reason to live it.

Come up with courage

To reduce fear, you need to develop the courage to face it. Do it slowly and don't force yourself to immediately get over your fear. Learn more about yourself and your partner and your desires in the relationship.

If you and your partner share the same principles in building a household, then your marriage relationship will be magical. However, it should be understood that various obstacles will certainly be encountered, but with solidarity and strong bonds, all can be overcome.

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