YOGYAKARTA In simple terms, smoke meat is processed by swaping. This culinary dish is widely liked because of its unique cooking method that creates a distinctive taste.

Every piece of smoke always brings a taste that is not only delicious but must be easily recognized. If you love this culinary processing and want to try it at home, prepare tools and ingredients to make smoke meat first.

It must be noted that processed meat has been found for a long time. Many people process beef and fish by swagging. Anyone can try to absorb meat independently at home. The tools and ingredients for making meat traditionally are as follows.

There are several tools needed for infiltration. Some items are also deliberately created specifically so that the meat is perfect. The tools needed are as follows.

The materials needed are also relatively simple and taste-appropriate. You can choose meat or fish to smoke. The ingredients needed are as follows.

Prepare the meat that will be inhaled. Cut it according to taste. After that, marine meat with the spices that have been prepared. While waiting for the meat to be ready, turn on the fire in the vacuumer's cupboard by piling up dry wood that has been prepared. Try to avoid oil or chemicals so as not to pollute the meat.

After the fire is made and the smoke starts to come out, place the meat in the vacuum cupboard. Meat can be hung or placed on the telephone. However, don't put the meat on the fire directly. Give a distance between the fire and the meat and close the cupboard tightly.

The infiltration process is carried out for approximately 48 hours. Wait until the dry meat is brown. You also have to check frequently so that the fire doesn't die.

That's information about tools and materials for making smoke meat. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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