Get To Know The Benefits Of Gardening For Body Health
Gardening Illustration (Zen Chung / Pexels)

JAKARTA - Home gardening activities do not always require large and open land. You can use the remaining space inside or outside the house for gardening. Gardening activities at home are also fairly cheap and practical.

However, many people think that gardening is a boring activity. In fact, there are many advantages of gardening. What is it? Check out the next information below.

Burn calories

According to Domoney, an urban expert, home gardening activities such as mowing grass, digging and planting plants can burn 150-200 calories if done for about 30 minutes. This is equivalent to 3 km jogging.

Mentally healthy

Gardening can foster contentment and increase your self-confidence. In addition, it can also relieve pressure, anxiety to depression, especially if you garden in the open nature.

Producing your own food

You can harvest garden product for your own consumption if you are consistent in gardening. In that way, the expenses for basic necessities will be much more efficient. Apart from being economical, nutrition from food is also more secure because organic food produced from gardening activities is proven to be healthier and safer for the body.

Reducing the risk of disease

Gardening activities at home can also prevent several diseases such as heart disease, obesity, and high blood pressure. The reason is when gardening, you continue to be active. For example, changing fertilizers, watering plants, and interacting with plants. This simple thing can have a positive effect on your own body.

Strengthen social relationships

By gardening at home, you can also strengthen social relationships by joining the urban farming community. In this community, you can exchange ideas, experiences, skills and tips on farming.

By sharing with each other, you will not only get information about plants, but also make new connections.

Reducing perfectionist habits

Home gardening activities also have the benefit of reducing perfectionist habits. When gardening, you don't have complete control over the plants. Sometimes there are pests and weather disturbances even though you have tried to take care of the garden.

With gardening, for those who used to control everything in order to be perfect can realize that in life, there are things that cannot be controlled.

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