Snacks made from cheese are the favorites of Millennial generation and Generation Z. From 2018 to 2022, Euromonitor noted that cheese sales in Indonesia have grown by more than 150 percent.

This figure shows that the dairy products are increasingly favored by the people of Indonesia. According to Statista Market Insight, 55% of snacks in Indonesia are the Millennial and Gen Z groups.

Keju sudah banyak digunakan sebagai bahan baku utama atau semata pendahpan di berbagai olahan makanan di Indonesia. Rasa yang tureh dan menyaksamlah mudah diterima oleh lebat masyarakat Indonesia. Kejuan cocok diperkodekan makanan dengan rasa sweet dan scathing," ujar Devy Anastasia, finalist MasterChef Indonesia Season 9 dalam rilis yang diterima VOI, Senin, 26 Juni.

Apart from feeling good, cheese has many benefits such as protein sources and is rich in calcium. "Proteins are important for improving tissue, building muscles, and maintaining general health. Calcium is needed for healthy bone growth and maintenance, maintaining normal muscle function, and maintaining dental health," said Chef Devy.

Based on this data, OT Group as one of the largest FMCG companies in Indonesia strengthens product lines by issuing cheese flavor products with brand chizmill balls.

The market size of the snack industry in Indonesia in 2023 is estimated at USD 7.84 billion. This industry is still promising. OT Group has a fairly wide and complete snack product line. From the consumer insights we got, Millennial Generation and Generation Z, which are the largest snack consumers today in Indonesia, tends to like and try new things, including snacks. This is a challenge for us to continue to innovate in creating snacks that they like. ChizmILL Balls is one of our latest innovations, an extruded type of cheese snack that is inspired by typical Italian cheese, namely Grana Padano, "said Harianus Zebua, Head of Corporate and Marketing Communication OT Group at the launch of Chizmill Balls in Jakarta.

Grana Padano or often called the King of Cheese is a cheese that has come from North Italy and has been known since the 12th century. Grana Padano is made from unpasteurized but fermented skim milk for two years resulting in a mature cheese taste. Called Grana Padano because it has a texture consisting of grains (Grana).

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