Rey Mbayang and Adipati Dolken were brought together in Saturday's series with you. Through this series, both of them act as brothers and sisters named Satya and Saka.

The series, which is adapted from the novel by Adhitya Mulya, has a story that focuses on family and relationship between father and son. When asked how much is connected to this series, the two admitted that they had not felt the same relationship with the series.

"My son is still six months old so there has been no debate about different parenting styles," said Adipati Dolken in a press conference on the series today, Thursday, June 22.

"But I've had a conversation with Canti (Tachril - Adipati's wife) about what their school children will do and so on. So far there has been no debate because it's still a vision. Hopefully it will continue! " he said again.

Unlike Adipati, Rey Mbayang and his wife Dinda Hauw have two sons who are similar to the characters in Saturday's series with you.

My one child is only one year old, the other is three months. So far there has been no debate," said Rey Mbayang.

I think the outside world is harsher and nothing warmer than the family. Our children must have a phase of five months, a year, two years, and there is a moment when I will be firm and hope that his mother can support that firmness," explains Rey Mbayang.

Both found messages from their characters, Satya and Saka. The various problems experienced by the two characters made them able to understand the meaning of their family.

What is certain is that humans learn from their parents. I personally do. I see Satya is the role model of his father and that is what is connected," said Adipati.

"Being Saka is not an easy thing for me. He focused on his career while his condition he was abandoned by his father, and he only held his father's message. As an immigrant, I also chatted with friends who experienced it like that," said Rey Mbayang.

Saturday with you told a father who prepared a message for his two children before he died. His two children then spend time every Saturday listening to his father's message.

The series Saturday with you will air on Prime Video starting June 29.

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