JAKARTA - Falcon Pictures again gave a new breath to the story of Saturday with you in the form of a series. Still adapted from the novel Adhitya Mulya, the story still focuses on the life of the Gunawan family.

This was confirmed by Adhitya Mulya who also worked on the script for the series. He felt there were many things that could be presented after the big screen version in 2016.

"This series is quite far from developing. We made an original story from Itje with Gunawan. The story from Gunawan single to the remote is very far away," said Adhitya Mulya at a press conference Saturday with Mr. Today, Thursday, June 22.

"I feel the impression I want to convey when I finish watching this series, the audience is reminded, oh yes, I haven't called my mother. But if there are quite a lot of verbal messages," he said again.

Rako Prijanto as a director felt there was a challenge when he worked on his first series. Apart from the new adaptation, the story has lost the main character.

"The first challenge was when I read the scenario of Mas Adhit in the first second, the main character was already dead. How did the audience stick to the story and I continued to read the parallel structure but not spoiler," explained Rako Prijanto.

"We felt that at that time we were not satisfied with the film because the film portion was more to children than Gunawan and Itje. Here more to the family side and petuah to the children," added Erica as producer of the series.

Saturday with Mr. Gunawan (Vino G. Bastian) who died when his two children were still young. Gunawan also prepared a message for his children in the form of a video so that Satya (Adipati) and Saka (Rey Mbayang) could face their lives.

Saturday's series with you will come in 6 episodes and air from June 29 exclusively on Prime Video.

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