JAKARTA - The need for vegetables in the household can be fulfilled by planting at home. If you have a hobby of farming, you can choose fast-harvesting vegetables. When you need it, just picking it from the page will certainly be fun, right?
The following types of vegetables are quick to harvest and easy to grow at home.

Kale can be harvested for 30 to 40 days from the time the seeds grow. Growing media for kale vegetables is also easy. Can be planted in water or in moist soil. Because kale can live in every season, it is not difficult when you want to try the kale noodle recipe.
Mustard greens
After 45 days the mustard greens will enter the harvest period. Caring for it is easy as long as it gets enough sunlight and a little fertilizer. When planting mustard greens, observe insects around the planting area. Because grasshoppers like to hide behind their leaves.
The planting period for spinach is not much different from kale or mustard greens. About 30 to 45 days, spinach can be harvested. It is recommended to plant spinach when the seasons change, between the beginning of the dry season or the beginning of the rainy season.
Lettuce takes longer to harvest than spinach, kale, and mustard greens. These vegetables are generally made in salads and vegetables.
New lettuce can be harvested after 2 to 3 months from the time the seeds are sown. To be effective, plant the lettuce in a pot with a hole under it. For those of you who live in cold regions, you can choose lettuce as a vegetable plant at home.

This one plant can be planted anywhere. Indonesian cuisine is also difficult to separate from the spicy taste of chilies. This means that if you grow your own chilies at home, it will be more economical, easier and less stressful by farming.
Chili plants take a while to bear fruit. Don't forget to water regularly, apply fertilizer, and make sure it's pest free.
Left onion from the refrigerator, can be used as seeds. Cut off the top, leaving the root part. Planting in the ground is recommended because if you use water it will rot easily. Typically, green onions can be harvested within one week.
There are various variants of eggplant plants. Best known eggplant is purple and green. Both of these variants are often used as lodeh vegetable ingredients, even fried for side dishes it tastes delicious.
Eggplant can be planted in polybags filled with soil mixed with fertilizer and straw. Before the seeding process, the seeds need to grow first. Only after the eggplant seeds grow can they be transferred to the planting medium.
Those are 7 types of vegetables that can be planted at home and are classified as fast harvesting. Want to try planting it?
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