JAKARTA - Bathing and washing activities are part of everyday life. However, the use of soap and detergent will end up as liquid waste.

The impact is quite large on the surrounding environment, ranging from water pollution, materials that are difficult to decompose, which can cause irritation, plus the plastic packaging is not environmentally friendly.

In every house, at least there is a stock of bath soap, face wash, dish soap, laundry soap, and floor cleaning fluid. If collected for a year, of course this is a very large amount, and so is the waste.

Actually, there is one soap product that is considered environmentally friendly, and it can be used for various purposes. The name is castile soap.

Castile soap was originally made from 100 percent olive oil, water, and lye. However, over time many have added other oils to the soap for added benefits. For example, coconut, walnut, almond, or avocado oil.

For vegans, castile soap can also be an option because it contains absolutely no animal ingredients. This soap is purely made from natural ingredients, non-toxic, and biodegradable or can be broken down by other living organisms.

The use of castile soap itself is very diverse, ranging from washing clothes, fruits and vegetables, substituting for bath soap, shampoo and deodorant, to cleaning floors. The form of the soap itself has a stick and liquid version. This soap is also safe to use on children and pets.

Castile soap can be used directly or mixed with other ingredients for various purposes. For example, to make deodorant, you can mix castile soap with sea salt in a ratio of 1: 2, store it in a bottle and just spray it when used.

To be dish soap, mix soap and water with a ratio of 1:10. As for window and floor cleaners, mix one tablespoon of soap with one liter of water.

Castile soap can also be used directly for bathing and shampooing. Meanwhile, as a substitute for hand washing soap, it can be mixed with water and stored in a bottle.

Where to buy castile soap? Now there are many sellers on e-commerce sites, the packaging uses a jerry can so that it can be reused. In fact, there are several bulk stores specifically for zero waste products that sell this soap in bulk, so you can bring your own jerry cans to be refilled.

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