JAKARTA - The way to breathe with the 478 method can be used to deal with sudden attacks of anxiety. So how to do it?

Psychologist Yudha Heka Satria then explained the procedures for doing breathing using the 478 method.

"Try to breathe with a four-second pull, then hold seven seconds, and exhale for eight seconds," he said. Yudha said the method helps calm the mind and makes the body relax when feelings of anxiety come suddenly.

In addition, he said, efforts to calm your mind can also be helped by visualizing things that calm your mind and soul. "For example, if you like beaches, or beaches are places that calm you down, then try visualizing the beach into your mind," he said, as reported by Antara. According to him, calming your mind, it can bring you back to your mind so that you can continue your activities normally.

In addition, Yudha also recommends maximizing the function of the senses to help calm the mind and make it refocus.

"The trick is to try to look around you, what objects are there. If you look at the clock and light, mention it. Use your senses, see and mention at least five objects," he said. and recognize the aroma he recognizes, and recognizes what sound it is. "In addition, it can also be helped by drinking water, because it complements all the senses so that our minds can return to focus," he said.

Yudha also advised each individual to continue to be able to control their emotions and focus on their initial goals so that their anxiety will disappear immediately.

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